本文关键词:“两型社会”建设背景下的城镇污泥资源化利用路径及其效益评价 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The treatment and disposal of urban sludge is a part of urban construction. With the increase of urban sewage, sludge production is also increasing, the sludge treatment and disposal has become a difficult problem in urban construction. The urban sludge is remaining after sewage treatment of waste sludge, but contains many available resources, can resource use. Because of China's urban sludge has not been well disposed, which not only bring a lot of environmental problems, it is a waste of resources. Therefore, urbanization resource utilization of sludge is imperative, which can not only save resources, but also to protect the environment, which is also the connotation of "two type society" construction in this paper. With the background of "two type society" construction, taking man land coordination theory, sustainable development theory and the circulation economic theory and the status quo of China's urban sludge disposal were analyzed, found. Then, on sludge demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of using path analysis, then sludge resource utilization, evaluate the benefits of using entropy method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and finally puts forward the safeguard measures of sludge resource utilization. The main conclusions of this paper include: (1) the problems of China's urban sludge disposal: one is the urban sludge disposal investment is low; the two is the backward technology and equipment, management is not in place; three is the urban sludge disposal rate is low, especially the sludge resource utilization rate is very low. (2) have urban sludge resource utilization is the construction of "two oriented society" and the mode of economic development requirements. Urban sludge resource utilization technology support and the support of national policy, it is proved to be feasible. (3) through the analysis of the current urban sludge disposal, "urban sludge resources utilization two type society" construction background Use the path: sludge compost and sludge land use, power generation and sludge materials utilization of sludge incineration. (4) through the establishment of index system including economic, social and environmental benefits, to evaluate the urban sludge resource utilization efficiency of path using entropy method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, obtained in the current technical conditions of sludge utilization of building materials for the best path. (5) finally from establishing and perfecting relevant laws and regulations and management mechanism, appropriate protection and incentive policies, establish compensation mechanism, strengthen personnel training and encourage technological innovation, strengthen five aspects to guide urban sludge resource utilization to provide countermeasures for reference propaganda and public opinion.
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