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发布时间:2018-01-12 23:35

  本文关键词:环黄渤海湿地生态系统分布研究—辽宁沿海地区湿地景观格局变化分析 出处:《安徽理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 湿地 景观格局 景观指数 沿海地区

【摘要】:湿地因为其重要的环境效益和生态功能而被誉为“地球之肾”和“生物超市”,它不仅能够为人类提供必需的生存环境,而且在保护生物的多样性方面有着不可替代的作用。近年来,随着沿海地区城市化进程的加快和人口的大量增加,人类活动对湿地生态环境的干扰日趋强烈,不合理的开发利用对湿地资源造成了大面积的破坏,天然湿地面积逐渐减少,破碎化程度加剧,湿地生态服务功能日益衰退。如何有效地保护和恢复湿地资源己成为我国湿地可持续利用的研究热点。 本文根据辽宁沿海地区湿地景观的特点,应用遥感技术获得辽宁沿海地区2000、2007和2014年三期遥感影像并进行人工目视解译,然后利用ARCGIS软件得到辽宁沿海地区的湿地资源分类图,运用FRAGSTATS软件进行相关景观指数的计算,采用转移矩阵和景观指数对研究区过去15年的土地利用、沿海地区的湿地景观格局变化和驱动力进行了研究,结果表明: (1)湿地的总面积在逐年增加,人工湿地的比重在逐年增加,而自然湿地面积比重在降低; (2)湿地斑块类型多样性程度降低,破碎化程度逐年下降; (3)湿地与不同景观类型之间发生着相互转化,其中有大量湿地转化为农田和城镇,大部分人工湿地取代了天然湿地; (4)在自然条件下,天然湿地之间也存在着相互转化; (5)景观格局的变化主要受人为干扰的影响,同时,自然因素也是不可忽视的重要因素。
[Abstract]:Wetland is praised as "kidney of the earth" and "biological supermarket" because of its important environmental benefit and ecological function. It can not only provide necessary living environment for human beings. In recent years, with the rapid development of urbanization and the increase of population in coastal areas, the disturbance of human activities to wetland ecological environment is becoming more and more intense. Unreasonable development and utilization of wetland resources caused a large area damage, natural wetland area gradually decreased, the degree of fragmentation intensified. Wetland ecological service function is declining day by day. How to effectively protect and restore wetland resources has become the research hotspot of wetland sustainable utilization in China. According to the characteristics of wetland landscape in coastal areas of Liaoning Province, three issues of remote sensing images of 2007 and 2014 were obtained by remote sensing technology and interpreted artificially. Then the wetland resources classification map of Liaoning coastal area is obtained by using ARCGIS software, and the related landscape index is calculated by FRAGSTATS software. The changes and driving forces of wetland landscape pattern in the past 15 years in the study area were studied by using transfer matrix and landscape index. The results showed that: 1) the total area of wetland is increasing year by year, the proportion of constructed wetland is increasing year by year, and the proportion of natural wetland area is decreasing; (2) the diversity of wetland patches decreased and the degree of fragmentation decreased year by year. (3) Wetland and different landscape types are transformed mutually, among which a large number of wetlands are transformed into farmland and towns, and most of the constructed wetlands replace natural wetlands. 4) under the natural conditions, there is also mutual transformation between the natural wetlands; 5) the change of landscape pattern is mainly influenced by human disturbance, and the natural factor is also an important factor that can not be ignored.


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