本文关键词: 炼焦行业 温室气体 核算方法 指标体系 系统分析 出处:《太原科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions has been widely concerned by countries all over the world, and has been recognized as an important global environmental problem. Since February 16th 2005, the Kyoto Protocol has come into effect. China has carried out a series of greenhouse gas emission sources, emissions and emission reduction potential and other aspects of research work, mainly focused on electricity, steel, chemical, cement and other key industries. As the upstream industry of iron and steel industry, coking production is an important energy processing industry, has been one of the main pillar industries in Shanxi Province. It is also one of the most important sources of greenhouse gas emissions, coking industry is facing great pressure of greenhouse gas emission reduction. An index system of greenhouse gas emission factors suitable for coking production was established and evaluated. For the coking industry greenhouse gas emission reduction has important theoretical and practical significance. According to this paper the following research is carried out: firstly based on the actual production of Shanxi coking industry the carbon material flow of different coking processes is analyzed. On this basis, the greenhouse gas emission sources in the production process of coking enterprises are analyzed and identified. The current accounting methods of greenhouse gas emissions at home and abroad are screened and integrated, and the empirical research is carried out for 12 sample enterprises. And the coking production greenhouse gas emission estimation factors were optimized. Secondly, the enterprise field investigation and industry expert consultation were carried out to analyze and screen out the factors affecting the coking industry greenhouse gas emissions. With reference to the standard of cleaner production in coking industry, the index system of influencing factors of greenhouse gas emission is established. According to the emission types, the system can be divided into four categories of factors and three index levels, basically can fully characterize the level of enterprise emissions. Finally, the use of analytic hierarchy process. Principal component Analysis (PCA) and Grey correlation Analysis (GRA) were combined to evaluate all the factors in the index system. According to the evaluation results, some suggestions for reducing carbon emissions are put forward. The results show that the main greenhouse gas emissions of coking enterprises are fossil fuel combustion, accounting for 66%; The carbon content of unit gas, coking time, power consumption and seal of coke oven are more important, the influence weight is 2014% and 6% respectively. Therefore, coking enterprises should combine the main factors of carbon emissions. The conclusion of this paper can provide a reference for the development of low-carbon emission reduction related research and the formulation of low-carbon development technology policy in coking industry.
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