发布时间:2018-01-28 08:09
本文关键词: 好氧颗粒污泥 SBR 生物选择段 回流 出处:《中国给水排水》2016年21期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:在SBR中通过投加颗粒活性炭并设置生物选择器以促进好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)的形成,并研究出水回流对系统稳定性的影响,为AGS工艺的发展提供技术支持。由于操作不当及蚊蝇幼虫大量繁殖,导致第一次培养在20 d时发生污泥膨胀。第二次培养时接种污水处理厂剩余污泥,设置厌氧生物选择器并投加20 g活性炭,在第3天即观察到新生的长丝状生物膜及不规则的AGS,21 d时几乎全部以菌胶团及AGS的形式存在,25 d时SV30/SV5、SVI、MLSS及含水率分别为83.03%、40.64 m L/g、6.7 g/L及97.90%,反应器对COD、TIN及TP的去除率保持在90%以上。随着回流量的增大,系统的稳定性受到一定冲击,导致污泥理化特性及出水水质发生异常波动。为减小外部冲击的影响,微生物通过增加或减少EPS的分泌以适应新的环境,使得自第22天开始污泥理化特性逐渐趋稳。而出水氨氮和SS浓度明显升高,主要是混合液盐度的增加导致絮体难以下沉,引起出水SS的升高及污泥龄的减小,从而削弱了反应器的硝化能力。
[Abstract]:The formation of aerobic granular sludge (AGSs) was promoted by adding granular activated carbon and biological selector in SBR, and the effect of water reflux on the stability of the system was studied. It provides technical support for the development of AGS process. Due to improper operation and mass propagation of mosquito and fly larvae, sludge bulking occurs in the first culture for 20 days, and the surplus sludge in the sewage treatment plant is inoculated during the second culture. On the third day, the long filamentous biofilm and irregular AGSN were observed in the form of microbial micelles and AGS. At 25 days, the MLSs and moisture content of SV30 / SV5 / SVIN were 83.03 and 40.64 mL / g respectively, 6.7 g / L and 97.90%, respectively. The removal rate of COD tin and TP remained above 90%. With the increase of reflux, the stability of the system was affected to a certain extent. In order to reduce the impact of external shock, microorganisms adapt to the new environment by increasing or reducing the secretion of EPS. The physical and chemical characteristics of sludge gradually stabilized since the 22nd day, while the concentration of ammonia nitrogen and SS increased obviously, mainly because of the increase of salinity of the mixed solution, which caused the flocs to be difficult to sink. The SS of effluent increased and the sludge age decreased, which weakened the nitrification ability of the reactor.
【作者单位】: 江西理工大学建筑与测绘学院;
【正文快照】: 好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)具有许多普通活性污泥难以比拟的优点[1],如规则的形状、良好的沉降性能、能单级同步脱氮除磷、可承受较高有机负荷等。得益于这些优点,AGS已成为废水生物处理领域中的研究热点。经过二十多年的发展,AGS已在形成条件、处理各类废水的应用等方面积累了大量成
相关期刊论文 前7条
1 苏海佳;王陆玺;邓爽;代雅洁;王晨旭;;好氧颗粒污泥技术及研究进展[J];化工进展;2016年06期
2 王晓慧;刘永军;刘U,