本文关键词: 污水处理厂 出水水质 影响水平 回归分析 处理工艺 出处:《苏州科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着苏州经济的快速发展,人口的持续增长,以及城市规模的不断扩张,城市中的生活污水排放量不断增加。苏州市虽然河道众多,但地势平缓使得水环境容量较低。虽然近年来该地区新建并改造了不少污水处理厂,但是,不断增加的城市污水排放量正逐渐逼近该地区的水环境容量,给污水厂带来了巨大的压力。为了提高稳定污水厂出水水质,本文以苏州市姑苏区内的污水厂(城东污水厂、福星污水厂、娄江污水厂)主要污染物的出水水质为研究对象,选取2013年11月到2014年10月的每天的水质监测数据,归纳三座污水厂主要污染物的出水水质特征,并结合三座污水厂的主要污水处理工艺,运用IBM SPSS Statistics 19软件对各座污水厂对应的进水总量、污染物的进水水质和气温等因素分别进行相关分析,采用逐步多元线性回归分析从而进行回归拟合,比较分析方法,并对出水水质的主要影响因素进行定量分析,判断不同影响因子的影响程度。论文的主要研究成果如下:(1)出水水质特征分析。在不同季节,三座污水厂的出水水质中,COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮浓度变化明显,COD和总磷的浓度变化趋势不明显,氨氮和总氮的浓度夏季明显优于冬季。横向比较三座污水厂的出水水质,城东污水厂的氨氮和总氮出水水质最佳,娄江污水厂的COD和总磷出水水质最佳。(2)主要影响因素分析。出水水质中COD和总磷的主要影响因素为处理工艺和人为调节因素,受其出水水质和进水总量、进水水质和气温的影响相对较小。氨氮和总氮出水水质的主要影响因素为处理工艺、人为因素、气温、进水水质和进水总量。城东污水厂出水氨氮主要影响因素中,气温影响最大,其次是进水总量,最后为进水水质,出水总氮主要影响因素中,气温影响最大,其次是进水水质。福星污水厂出水氨氮主要影响因素中,气温影响最大,其次是进水水质,出水总氮主要影响因素中,气温影响最大,其次是进水水质,最后为进水总量。娄江污水厂出水氨氮主要影响因素中,气温影响最大,其次是进水水质,出水总氮主要影响因素中,进水水质影响最大,其次是气温,最后为进水总量。(3)建议。城东污水厂在改扩建时将A~2/O工艺改造成倒置A~2/O工艺,在厂内合适位置增建占地较小的改良型UNITANK工艺或MSBR工艺。福星污水厂除了投加碳源,调节A~2/O工艺的各个池子的进水量外,可以在系统前增加厌氧酸化池,并通过延长污水在生化池的停留时间,后期再通过投加药剂进行除磷来提高出水水质。娄江污水厂可以增长污水在一期UNITANK工艺中的停留时间,在改扩建时对该段进行改造。此外,三座污水厂均可以在温度较低的情况下加强曝气或改变曝气方式,当温度低于15℃时将泥龄控制在较高水平。逐步多元回归模型的结果与三座污水厂实际情况一致,具有一定可靠性,污水厂可采用该方法确定主要影响因素及影响水平,并确定其与出水水质的定量关系。本研究结合各座污水厂的污水处理工艺,运用数学分析方法研究了污水厂主要污染物出水水质的主要影响因素,通过对影响因素的定量分析,根据影响规律进一步稳定出水水质。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Suzhou's economy, the continuous growth of population, as well as the continuous expansion of city size, city sewage emissions are increasing in Suzhou city. Although numerous rivers, but gentle terrain makes the water environment capacity is low. Although in recent years in the area of new and improved many sewage treatment plants, but the city sewage discharge the increasing amount of the approaching of water environmental capacity in the region, has brought tremendous pressure to the sewage treatment plant. In order to improve the stability of the quality of effluent from sewage treatment plant, the Suzhou District in Suzhou city (East Fuxing wastewater treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plant effluent quality loujiang) of major pollutants as the research object. The water quality monitoring data from November 2013 to October 2014 of the day, water quality characteristics are summarized three sewage treatment plant of the main pollutants, combined with the main sewage treatment process of three sewage plants, transport The total amount of water on the corresponding sewage treatment plant using IBM SPSS Statistics 19 software, water quality and temperature factors of pollutants were analyzed by correlation analysis, stepwise multiple linear regression and multiple regression analysis, comparative analysis method, and the impact on water quality factors for quantitative analysis, determine the different factors of the impact. The main research results of this paper are as follows: (1) analysis of water quality of effluent. In different seasons, three sewage plant effluent, COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration changes significantly, the concentration change trend of COD and total phosphorus is not obvious, ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen concentration in summer is better than winter water quality. Comparison of the three sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plant east of the ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen in the effluent, COD and total phosphorus in the water is the best Lou River sewage treatment plant. (2) the main factors analysis of water quality. The main influence factors of COD and TP for treatment and artificial adjustment factors, the water quality and water quantity, water quality and temperature effect is relatively small. The main influence factors of ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen of water quality for the treatment process, human factors, water temperature, water quality and water volume. Factors East Sewage plant effluent the main effect of ammonia nitrogen, temperature is the greatest impact, followed by the total amount of water, the water quality factors, the effluent total nitrogen mainly affects the temperature, the greatest impact, followed by water. Fuxing wastewater treatment plant effluent ammonia the main influencing factors of temperature, the greatest impact, followed by the influent, the effluent total nitrogen in the main influencing factors. Temperature is the greatest impact, followed by water quality, water quantity factors. Finally, loujiang sewage treatment plant effluent ammonia mainly affects the temperature, the greatest impact, followed by the influent water quality, the effluent total nitrogen mainly. The influencing factors of water quality, the greatest impact, followed by temperature, finally the water amount. (3). East Sewage Plant in the expansion process will transform A~2/O into inverted A~2/O process, an improved UNITANK process or MSBR process in the factory covers an area of small place. Fuxing wastewater treatment plant in addition to adding carbon source. The amount of water in each pool regulation of the A~2/O process, can increase the anaerobic acidification pool in the system, and by extending the residence time of sewage in the biochemical pool, then by adding medicament of phosphorus removal to improve water quality. Lou River sewage treatment plant can increase the residence time of sewage in a period in the UNITANK process, the transformation of the in the period of expansion. In addition, three sewage treatment plant can strengthen aeration aeration or change in the situation of low temperature, when the temperature is below 15 DEG C when the sludge age control at a high level. The stepwise multiple regression model The results with the actual situation of three sewage treatment plants, sewage treatment plant has a certain reliability, this method can be used to determine the main influence factors and influence level, and determine its quantitative relationship with water quality. This study combined with the process of sewage treatment sewage treatment plant, the main influence factors of major pollutants using the mathematical quality of effluent the analysis method, through quantitative analysis of the influence factors, according to the influence of further stable effluent quality.
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