本文关键词: 颗粒物 分布特征 主要成分分析 健康风险 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目前,随着我国经济的飞速发展,城市人口不断增加,城市化建设步伐的加速,机动车数量急剧增加,以煤炭石油为主的能源消耗量不断攀升,颗粒物污染已经成为全国各大中城市污染的首要问题,尤其对人体危害较大的持续性灰霾天气的发生越来越频繁,颗粒物污染已经危及到了人民的日常生活。流行病学者研究发现,颗粒物短期与长期暴露浓度与心血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病的发病与死亡几率有很大的关系,大气中污染物浓度达到有害的程度会破坏生态系统并对人身体的健康非常不利。越来越多的国内外专家开始研究关注颗粒物污染的预防与治理,大气颗粒物的污染问题已经成为各国研究的前沿课题。鉴于当前环境污染的严峻形势,国家环境保护部于2011年11月在北京召开研讨会,将环境空气功能区划分为三类功能区。并增加了PM25作为空气污染物控制的常规项目。并且在附录中增加了重金属项目,鉴于空气质量评价因子较少并且无法真实的体现空气的质量的状况,又增加了O3,评价因子由原来的三项变为7项。为全分析盘锦市空气中颗粒污染物,按照城市功能的差异,在盘锦市选择了三个检测点位。通过研究此三个监测点位颗粒物组成及浓度变化,由此判断盘锦市环境空气质量主要受细颗粒物类型、气象条件以及大气污染物长距离迁徙等因素影响,其中PM2.5的来源主要是汽车尾气排放、工业废气、基建工地扬尘和煤炭燃烧。空气中的细颗粒物尤其是PM25对人体的健康有很大的危害。本论文还进行了PM1 0和PM25成分监测,对不同季节不同点位的颗粒物载带的金属元素和多环芳烃进行了分析。着重研究重金属和有机污染物在PM10和PM25中重金属的占比情况及贡献。在对PMl o和PM2 s颗粒物载带重金属和多环芳烃的研究中,采用了单因子评价、富集因子评价、归一化评价和多环芳烃等效毒性评价等多种评价方法,从不同方面对不同点位颗粒物污染进行了详尽的分析。在研究颗粒物载带多环芳烃时引入了毒性等效因子的概念,为进一步了解多环芳烃毒性,制定多环芳烃及苯并(a)芘的防治措施和标准规范提供了数据依据和理论支持。最后本文根据多环芳烃的等效毒性对盘锦市的健康风险做了初步的评测分析,为大气污染防治及人群健康和环境管理提供科学依据。
[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of China's economy, the urban population is increasing, the pace of urbanization is accelerating, the number of motor vehicles is increasing sharply, and the energy consumption, which is dominated by coal and oil, is constantly rising. Particulate pollution has become the primary problem of pollution in large and medium-sized cities throughout the country, especially the occurrence of more and more persistent haze weather, which is more harmful to human beings. Particulate pollution has endangered people's daily lives. Epidemiologists have found that the concentration of particulate matter in short and long term exposure is closely related to cardiovascular disease, the incidence of respiratory diseases and the probability of death. The concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere is harmful to the ecosystem and to the health of human body. More and more experts at home and abroad have begun to study the prevention and control of particulate pollution. The pollution of atmospheric particulates has become a leading issue in various countries. In view of the severe situation of environmental pollution, the State Ministry of Environmental Protection held a seminar in Beijing on November 2011. The functional zoning of ambient air is divided into three types of functional areas. PM25 is added as a routine item for air pollutant control, and heavy metal items are added in the appendix. In view of the fact that the air quality assessment factors are less and can not truly reflect the air quality, O3 is added, and the evaluation factor is changed from the original three to seven. For the total analysis of particulate pollutants in the air of Panjin, according to the differences of urban functions, Three detection points were selected in Panjin City. By studying the composition and concentration change of particulate matter at these three monitoring points, it was concluded that the ambient air quality in Panjin City was mainly affected by fine particulate matter. The meteorological conditions and the long-range migration of atmospheric pollutants are affected by such factors as the main sources of PM2.5 are automobile exhaust gas, industrial exhaust gas, and so on. Dust and coal combustion in construction sites. Fine particles in the air, especially PM25, are harmful to human health. PM1 0 and PM25 components are also monitored in this paper. The metal elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the carrier zone of particulate matter at different sites in different seasons were analyzed. The proportion and contribution of heavy metals and organic pollutants in PM10 and PM25 were emphatically studied. The effects of metal elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on PMl o and PM2 s particles were studied. In the study of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Several evaluation methods, such as single factor evaluation, enrichment factor evaluation, normalized evaluation and equivalent toxicity evaluation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were used. In order to understand the toxicity of PAHs, the concept of toxic equivalent factor was introduced in the study of PAHs. It provides data basis and theoretical support for the prevention and treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and benzo (a) pyrene. Finally, according to the equivalent toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the health risk in Panjin city is evaluated and analyzed. It provides scientific basis for air pollution prevention and crowd health and environmental management.
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