本文关键词: 三氯生 降解 人工湿地系统 同步硝化反硝化系统 出处:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Triclosan, or TCSA, is a synthetic chlorinated aromatic compound that is widely used as an antimicrobial and antiseptic. TCS is widely used in personal care products, medical supplies and household cleaning products. TCS produces more than 1,500 tons a year. The detection rate of TCS in environmental samples is very high. Because TCS and its derivatives are lipophilic, bioaccumulative, persistent and biotoxic, they pose a threat to aquatic organisms, mammals, humans and even soil ecosystems. Therefore, the environmental problems caused by TCS have become one of the focuses of research at home and abroad. However, there is no special treatment process for TCS in wastewater treatment plants, and the concentration of TCS in effluent is still relatively high. Therefore, it is of great significance to study more feasible TCS treatment methods. In this paper, two typical wastewater treatment techniques, constructed wetland wastewater treatment system and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification system, are selected as the research objects. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the removal rate of TCS in the wetland system composed of cattail, submerged plant (goldfish) and phytoplankton (duckweed) is more than 97%. The contribution rates of substrate and plant adsorption to TCS removal were 44.78% and 40.25 respectively in goldfish and duckweed systems, which were much higher than those in cattail system 29.12 2, which played an important role in TCS removal. The number and diversity of microbes are much higher than those of the other two systems. Beta-Proteus gamma-Proteus and Bacteroid phylum, which have been proven to be associated with TCS degradation, are present in all three systems, and, The amount of OTUs in the cattail system was 20.98-117.92 higher than that in the other two systems, indicating that microbial degradation played an important role in the cattail system. The removal rate of TCS in the system could reach more than 93%. During the 45-day experiment, the effluent of the system was treated and the sludge was adsorbed. The contribution of microorganism and other methods to TCS removal was 1.276.46% and 92.27% respectively. The removal of TCS by TCS mainly depended on sludge adsorption, sludge adsorption gradually reached saturation, and microorganism gradually became adaptive to TCS. Microbial degradation gradually played a major role in the removal of TCS. After the addition of TCS, the removal rate of NH4-N decreased from 100% to 88.30.The removal rate of NH4-N decreased from 95.15% to 65.81. On the 14th day, the microbes had been adapted to TCS, and the diversity of the bacterial community was higher than that before the addition of TCS, and the microbial community diversity was higher than that before the addition of TCS. The number of beta-Proteus and Bacteroides OTUs, which have been proved to be related to the degradation of TCS, has increased by 4.79% and 13.31%, respectively.
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