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发布时间:2018-03-01 14:04

  本文关键词: 统筹 城乡 生态环境建设 环境保护 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the 18 National Congress of the CPC, China has vigorously promoted the construction of ecological civilization, economic development has entered into a new normal, and the interaction between ecological environment and economic development has become more and more prominent. However, in the process of promoting the integration of urban and rural areas, Ecological environmental problems are also becoming increasingly prominent. The state has formulated and implemented a series of environmental protection policies in view of the current ecological and environmental problems. However, the problems of environmental pollution and ecological destruction in rural areas have not received due attention. A series of problems, such as the transfer of urban pollution to rural areas, have not been solved. The public attribute of ecological environment determines that the ecological environment of urban and rural areas is an indivisible organic whole. The transfer of urban garbage to rural areas is the main source of rural pollution at the present stage. The resulting deterioration of the rural ecological environment will inevitably have adverse effects on the urban ecological environment and will also be detrimental to the coordinated development of the whole economy and society. Moreover, the external environmental pollution in the countryside, It is impossible to protect and govern the rural areas by themselves. Only by putting the urban and rural areas on a platform and solving the problems in an integrated way can we contribute to the development of their respective functions. It is of great practical significance to study the overall construction of urban and rural ecological environment. This paper bases on the realistic basis of the difference between urban and rural ecological environment in China, and puts forward the Marxist view of urban and rural areas. Under the guidance of Marxist ecological view and the theory of environmental equity, we should carry out the thoughts of the 18 Party Congress on vigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and sort out the present situation of ecological environment construction in cities and rural areas. To elaborate the policy differences in the ecological construction of urban and rural areas, On the basis of the analysis of the causes of the difference, this paper probes into the path choice of urban and rural ecological environment construction from many aspects, including perfecting the legal system construction of urban and rural ecological environment coordination in China. To perfect the policy system of urban and rural ecological environment construction in China, to increase the financial support for urban and rural ecological environment construction and to innovate the public participation system in urban and rural ecological environment construction, among which, to strengthen the protection of rural ecological environment as the new highlight, In order to overall urban and rural ecological environment construction to provide policy recommendations.


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