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发布时间:2018-03-06 05:16

  本文选题:水芹浮床 切入点:基质 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of China's economy, environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent, and the eutrophication of lakes in China has been paid more and more attention. Ecological floating bed is an effective, economic and sustainable water treatment technology. Water celery was selected as floating-bed plant to construct several kinds of combination ecological floating bed. The experiment was carried out in the laboratory under low temperature in winter. The floating-bed of water celery in different substrate and different planting density was studied. The study on the purification effect of eutrophication water body under different packing conditions has certain guiding significance and reference function to the application of combined ecological floating bed technology in practice. The main research results are as follows: (1) through the experiments of restoration of yellow sand, ceramic matrix water celery floating bed, The effect of substrate on eutrophication water was studied. It was found that each floatation bed system had better restoration effect on eutrophication water body under low temperature in winter, and TNT TP removal efficiency was the best in ceramic floatation bed. The highest removal rates were 85.1% and 85.0%, respectively; the yellow sand floatation bed had the best removal effect on Chlaan TOC, and the highest removal rate was 75.1% (87.4%). The substrate had a weak promoting effect on the removal of TOC by water celery floatation bed, and the promoting effect on TN removal from water celery floatation bed was more obvious. The effect of planting density on the restoration effect of water body was studied through the experiments of water celery floatation bed with different densities. The results showed that the effect of planting density on the restoration effect of water body was studied under low temperature in winter. The floatation bed system of water celery has better restoration effect on eutrophication water body, the floatation bed with density of 6 pots has the best removal effect of TN, the highest removal rate is 77.0, and the floatation bed with density of 10 basins has the best removal effect of TP. The highest removal rate was 92.60.The floatation bed with density of 2 basins had the best removal effect on TOC, the highest removal rate was 66.7% and 72.8% respectively. There was a positive correlation between the plant density and TP removal rate of water celery floatation bed, and there was a certain correlation with the removal of TOC in the water, and the highest removal rate was 66.70.There was a positive correlation between planting density and TP removal rate of water celery floating-bed, and there was a certain correlation with the removal of TOC in water. The effect of suspended fillers on eutrophication water was studied in the experiment of water celery floatation bed with zeolite fillers. The results showed that: under the low temperature in winter, the water celery floating bed system had better restoration effect on eutrophication water body; The removal efficiency of TN was the best with the highest removal rate of 89.8.The TOC removal efficiency of the floatation bed was the best, and the removal efficiency of TOC by the floating-bed was the best. The highest removal rates were 92.2% and 59.1%, respectively. The suspended fillers promoted the removal of TNTP-TOC in water. The removal of TN was as follows: zeolite bamboo without packing system, TOC with no packing system; The removal effect of TOC in floating bed system with suspension depth of 10 cm is better than that of floating bed system with suspension depth of 20 cm, but the removal effect of TOC is weaker than that of floating bed system with suspension depth of 20 cm.


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