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发布时间:2018-04-10 09:31

  本文选题:污水处理 切入点:投加铁盐活性污泥 出处:《清华大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着城市排水管网的逐步完善,雨污分流制度的逐步实施,污染物浓度显著提高,由此导致很多老旧大型城市污水处理厂处于超负荷运行状态。针对济南市某大型污水处理厂的连续监测与调研,从进水水质、运行工艺条件以及各个单元的处理效果分析该厂污水处理工艺的运行稳定性、污水处理效果,研究了投加铁盐活性污泥法驯化常规活性污泥法,处理高浓度城市污水,提高生物脱氮除磷效率的方法,并在该污水处理厂运行中开展了应用研究。针对该大型污水处理厂近年来进水水质与运行效果分析,冬季月份进水COD、NH3-N、SS等指标平均高出设计值40.0%以上,同时还伴随着进水黑臭现象,色度较深,气味较大。在进水水质大幅波动的条件下,通过适当降低进水量的方法,科学调控污水处理厂运行参数,使出水水质中COD、TN、NH3-N、TP浓度分别控制在8.0~39.0mg/L、5.0~15.0 mg/L、0.20~7.20mg/L、0.10~0.43 mg/L的范围内。但是,长期进水水质过高导致污泥负荷偏高,再加上偶有偷排废水的混入,工艺设备单元运行长期处于处于超负荷,使运营成本增加,部分设施和设备相继出现严重影响生产的问题。通过小试反应器实验研究了投加铁盐对活性污泥工艺运行过程的影响,结果表明,在投加铁盐活性污泥在污泥含铁量5%(占污泥有机质干重)时,对COD、TN、TP的去除效果达到最优,稳定运行条件下比对照反应器的COD、TN、TP去除率分别提高5.9%,10.1%和4.5%,硝化活性和反硝化活性分别提高17.9%和15.7%,对污泥沉降性几乎没有影响。含铁量5%的活性污泥在Zn2+、Cu2+浓度都不超过20mg/L时、油类浓度浓度不超过120mg/L时,比普通活性污泥对COD的去除有一定优势。采用投加铁盐活性污泥法驯化常规活性污泥法,使得该污水厂在进水负荷较高的情况下依然能够实现出水水质的稳定达标,出水COD、TN、TP、NH3-N、SS平均去除率分别达到94.0%、77.3%、95.5%、96.5%、98.4%。将投加药品确定为30%浓度的三氯化铁溶液,该厂药剂吨水成本大大降低,吨水成本药耗控制在0.0170元/吨以下,显著低于上一年度吨水药耗0.0210元/吨。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the gradual improvement of the urban drainage network and the gradual implementation of the rainwater distribution system, the concentration of pollutants has increased significantly, resulting in the overloading operation of many old and large urban sewage treatment plants.According to the continuous monitoring and investigation of a large sewage treatment plant in Jinan, the operation stability and sewage treatment effect of the wastewater treatment process were analyzed from the water quality, operation process conditions and treatment effect of each unit.The method of domesticating conventional activated sludge by adding iron salt to treat high concentration municipal sewage and improve the efficiency of biological denitrification and phosphorus removal was studied. The application study was carried out in the operation of the sewage treatment plant.According to the analysis of the influent quality and operation effect of the large wastewater treatment plant in recent years, the influent CODN NH3-NNNSS in winter months is higher than the design value by 40.0% on average. At the same time, it is accompanied by the black-smelling phenomenon of the influent, the chroma is deeper and the smell is bigger.Under the condition of large fluctuation of influent water quality, the operation parameters of sewage treatment plant were scientifically regulated by the method of reducing the influent quantity, and the concentration of CODN NH _ 3-NN _ (3) in the effluent quality was controlled within the range of 8.0 ~ 39.0 mg / L ~ (5.0) mg / L ~ 15.0 mg / L ~ (0.20) mg / L ~ (0.20) ~ 7.20 mg / L ~ (0.100.43) mg/L respectively.However, the excessive water quality for a long time leads to high sludge load, coupled with the occasional mixing of stolen waste water, the operation of the process equipment unit is in a long-term overload, which increases the operating cost.Some facilities and equipment have been seriously affected production problems.The effect of iron salt addition on the operation process of activated sludge process was studied in a pilot reactor. The results showed that the removal efficiency of COD + TNN TP was optimal when the iron content of activated sludge was 5% (account for the dry weight of organic matter of sludge).Under stable operation conditions, the removal rate of COD ~ (2 +) TNN _ (TP) was increased by 5.9% and 4.5%, respectively, and nitrification activity and denitrification activity were increased by 17.9% and 15.7%, respectively, which had little effect on sludge sedimentation.The removal of COD by activated sludge with 5% iron content was superior to that of conventional activated sludge when the concentration of Zn2 Cu2 was not higher than that of 20mg/L, and the concentration of oil was not higher than that of 120mg/L.The cost of the medicament per ton of water was greatly reduced when the dosage of the drug was determined to be 30% of ferric chloride solution, and the cost of the per ton water was controlled below 0.0170 yuan / ton, which was significantly lower than that of 0.0210 yuan per ton of water and medicine in the previous year.


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