发布时间:2018-04-14 13:23
本文选题:就地截污 + 生物接触氧化 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:针对排污口进行就地截污是在不能进行管道截污的地区实现截污的可能方式,但河道现场就地截污尚没有成熟的技术方法。本文试图采用水解酸化-生物接触氧化工艺及水生植物进行污水就地处理从而实现排污口现场截污,并检验该工艺及装置在实际应用中的可行性,以期为河道就地截污处理相关工艺选择与运行条件优化提供参考依据。主要研究内容和结论如下:1.水解酸化-二段生物接触氧化-水生植物截污试验研究。研究了水力停留时间(HRT)、容积负荷、水生植物(凤眼莲)等对生活污水截污效果的影响。结果表明,当HRT为6 h时,水解酸化-二段生物接触氧化对CODCr、NH4+-N和TP的平均去除率分别为77.6%、60.52%、53.37%;CODCr、NH4+-N和TP的最佳容积负荷率分别为216、11.57及1.52 g/(m3?h);加入凤眼莲后(HRT=4 h),NH4+-N、TP去除率可分别达81.39%及53.78%,比未加植物前分别提高28.94%及10%,出水水质达到GB 18918-2002一级B排放标准。2.水解酸化-二段生物接触氧化-水生植物截污工艺微生物群落研究。通过高通量测序分析,发现本试验条件下的弹性填料上生物膜的微生物主要包括α-变形菌纲、β-变形菌纲、γ-变形菌纲、e-变形菌纲、ε-变形菌纲、厚壁菌门、酸杆菌门和绿菌门,平均相对丰度分别为16.45%、27.92%、6.35%、12.12%、3.15%、12.74%、7.5%和4.92%,占细菌总数的91.16%;对造成群落差异的三组主要OTUs进行丰度比较,发现假单胞菌、黏细菌等好氧细菌主要存在于溶解氧充沛的B段接触氧化池内;而拟杆菌、韦荣氏球菌、多形杆状菌等厌氧细菌,主要存在于水解酸化段,少量存活于A段接触氧化池。说明生物膜细菌群落组成与水体中的溶解氧浓度有直接关系。3.曝气-凤眼莲协同修复黑臭水体试验研究。比较研究了曝气和非曝气条件下凤眼莲生长及对有机物去除的效果,发现在温度25~30℃条件下,运行21 d时,曝气反应池中凤眼莲总生物量增加1.7 kg/m2,平均生物量增长率为82 g/(m2?d),是缺氧池的4.3倍;曝气池内CODCr、NH4+-N、TP去除率分别为89.7%、81.1%及53.62%,分别是缺氧池的2.8、4.0、1.9倍。4.浮动式河道现场截污工艺及装置在实际应用中的可行性研究。根据以上工艺,设计制作了一种浮动式河道现场截污装置并进行了现场试验。在装置外围连接一圈DN 160的PVC管,并在进水端连接一层塑料泡沫,可使装置浮在水面不下沉且能顺利出水。并在冬季低温的条件下,CODCr、NH4+-N、TP仍分别能保持基于接触氧化与水生植物协同作用的城市内河就地截污装置研究68.9%、52.3%、47.77%的去除率,CODCr、NH4+-N的出水水质均可达到GB18918-2002二级排放标准,说明水解酸化-生物接触氧化-水生植物法组合工艺截污方法可行。
[Abstract]:It is a possible way to carry out local sewage interception in the areas where the pipeline can not be carried out, but there is still no mature technical method in the field of river channels.This paper attempts to use hydrolytic acidification-biological contact oxidation process and aquatic plants to treat sewage in situ so as to realize on-site sewage interception at the sewage outlet, and to test the feasibility of the process and the device in practical application.In order to provide a reference for the selection of relevant processes and optimization of operation conditions for local sewage treatment of river channels.The main contents and conclusions are as follows: 1.Hydrolytic acidification-two-stage biological contact oxidation-pollution interception by aquatic plants.The effects of HRT, volumetric loading and aquatic plants (Echinocephala hyacinth) on the sewage interception were studied.The results show that when HRT is 6 h,The average removal rates of NH4-N and TP by hydrolytic acidification-two-stage biological contact oxidation were 77.660.52 and 53.37, respectively, and the optimum volumetric loading rates of NH4-N and TP were 2160.57 and 1.52 g / m ~ 3hU, respectively. The removal rates of NH _ 4-N and NH _ 4-N ~ + were 81.39% and 53.78%, respectively, after adding hyacinth.The effluent quality reached GB 18918-2002 grade B discharge standard .2.The effluent quality was increased by 28.94% and 10% respectively.Study on microbial Community by Hydrolysis acidification-two-stage Biological contact Oxidation-Aquatic Plant pollution interception process.By high-throughput sequencing analysis, it was found that the biofilms on elastic fillers in this experiment were mainly composed of 伪 -Proteus, 尾 -Proteus, 纬 -Proteus, 蔚 -Proteus, Acidobacterium and Chlorophyta.The average relative abundance was 16.455.27.926.350. and 4.92%, respectively, which accounted for 91.16.The results showed that Pseudomonas, myxobacteria and other aerobic bacteria mainly existed in the B section contact oxidation tank with abundant dissolved oxygen.The anaerobic bacteria, such as Bacteroides viride, Veron's coccus and polymorphic rod bacteria, mainly existed in hydrolytic acidification stage, and a few survived in A stage contact oxidation tank.The results showed that the composition of biofilm bacterial community was directly related to dissolved oxygen concentration in water.Experimental study on synergistic restoration of black and smelly water by aeration and hyacinth.The growth and removal effect of hyacinth under aeration and non-aeration conditions were studied. It was found that under the condition of 2530 鈩,