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发布时间:2018-04-15 17:40

  本文选题:农村生活污水 + 短程氮磷无机化反应器 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国是一个农业大国,然而每年农业生产缺水量达300x10Sm3,受旱面积约2×104km2。近年来,随着中国乡镇建设的迅速发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国村镇污水年排放量超过100亿吨。农村生活污水性质比较稳定,基本不含重金属和有毒物质,可生化性较好,成为潜在的农业灌溉水源。污水中的氮磷等物质对水环境是一种污染物而对于农业生产是必须的营养物质,是一种宝贵的资源。但是,生活污水直接回灌农田,由于悬浮颗粒和有机物浓度过高,从而造成土壤板结和植物烂根等问题,长期使用会导致土壤的退化。本研究提出了一种从“单纯处理”转变到“氮磷资源化利用”的农村生活污水治理新思路:污水的治理不是以除磷脱氮为首要目的,相反是尽量保留污水中的氮、磷成分,通过简单的处理将有机氮、有机磷无机化为易于农作物吸收的无机态成分,同时降低尾水中有机物的含量,使其达到国家《农田灌溉水质标准》(GB5084-2005)的要求,安全回用于农田灌溉,解决以往污水灌溉存在的农作物烂根、土壤板结等问题,从而实现生活污水氮磷的资源化利用和水资源的可持续利用。本研究提出的农村生活污水资源化工艺为“厌氧池+短程好氧生物滤池”,尾水可直接安全灌溉。这种工艺组合,从其氮磷资源化的目的出发,可称为短程氮磷无机化反应器(short-range nitrogen and phosphorus inorganic reactor,简称SNPIR)。开展了近一年的实验研究,结果如下所述:1、考察了SNPIR在不同季节下的氮磷资源化效果及其运行参数调节。夏季和秋季,SNPIR的适宜运行参数:厌氧池HRT=4h,短程好氧生物滤池HLR=5.40 m3/(m2·d)。SNPIR出水的氨氮平均浓度分别在45mg/L和55mg/L左右,P043--p平均浓度分别在6.5mg/L和5.6mg/L左右,同时出水COD平均浓度均在60mg/L以下;冬季,SNPIR的适宜运行参数:厌氧池HRT=5h,短程好氧生物滤池HLR=4.20m3/(m2·d)。 SNPIR出水的氨氮平均浓度在88mg/L左右,P043--P平均浓度在7.7mg/L左右,可为后续资源化利用提供大量的无机氮肥和磷肥,但是COD平均浓度为163mg/L,无法满足《农田灌溉水质标准》(GB5084-2005)中COD指标的限制要求。在冬季适宜运行参数下,采用1:1回流、增温至10℃以上、设置各种保温措施的方法,可将进水COD浓度降低至250mg/L以下,COD去除率提高至75%左右,使出水COD浓度降低到60mg/L以下,此时,出水NH4+-N、P043--p平均浓度分别为70.95mg/L和5.8mg/L。2、推导、建立了不同季节厌氧池和短程好氧生物滤池的底物降解动力学模型,指导反应器的设计、优化与控制。夏季、秋季和冬季厌氧池内COD降解过程均遵循一级反应动力学;夏季和秋季短程好氧生物滤池内COD降解过程遵循一级反应动力学,冬季短程好氧生物滤池内COD降解过程遵循二级反应动力学。氨氮降解主要针对夏季和秋季的短程好氧生物滤池,滤池内氨氮降解过程遵循一级反应动力学。对推导、建立的动力学模型进行验证,绝对误差和相对误差均较小,能够在一定误差范围内很好的预测出水COD和氨氮浓度。3、对不同季节单独短程好氧生物滤池的运行效能进行了研究,并与SNPIR工艺的效能进行了对比。单独短程好氧生物滤池具有较好的氮、磷无机化效能,但是抗冲击负荷能力较小,在较小的水力负荷下出水COD平均浓度才低于60mg/L。在对短程好氧生物滤池进行设计时,小的设计水力负荷会增大滤池面积,增加基建费用。冬季采取1:1回流、增温至10℃以上、设置各种保温措施的方法,出水COD平均浓度仍高于60mg/L,无法满足《农田灌溉水质标准》(GB5084-2005)中COD指标的限制要求。近一年的运行过程中,SNPIR工艺无填料堵塞情况出现,而单独短程好氧生物滤池工艺反复出现填料堵塞的情况,因此,SNPIR工艺更加有利于推广应用。
[Abstract]:Chinese is an agricultural country, but the annual agricultural production water reached 300x10Sm3, an area of about 2 x 104km2. in recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese township construction and the improvement of people's living standard, China's rural sewage emissions by more than 100 tons. The nature of rural sewage is relatively stable, basically does not contain heavy metals and toxic the material, good biodegradability, become a potential source of irrigation water. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the sewage material on the water environment is a pollutant and for agricultural production is essential nutrients, is a valuable resource. However, living sewage directly irrigated farmland, due to suspended particles and organic matter concentration is too high. In order to cause soil compaction and plant root problems, long-term use will lead to soil degradation. This study proposes a from the "simple processing" to "nitrogen and phosphorus resource utilization of rural sewage Governance: new method of waste water treatment is not in nitrogen and phosphorus removal as the primary purpose, the opposite is to retain nitrogen, phosphorus content, organic nitrogen through simple processing, organic phosphorus inorganic inorganic components for easy absorption of crops, while reducing the content of organic matter in tail water, to achieve the national standard. The irrigation water quality "(GB5084-2005) requirements, safety to crops used for irrigation, solve the rot existed in previous sewage irrigation, soil compaction and other issues, in order to achieve nitrogen and phosphorus in sewage resource utilization and sustainable use of water resources. Rural sewage recycling process proposed in this study for" anaerobic tank and short aerobic biofilter, tail water irrigation. This process can be directly the security portfolio, starting from the nitrogen and phosphorus resource, can be called short inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus reactor (short-range nitrogen and phosphor Us inorganic reactor, referred to as SNPIR). The experiment study is carried out for nearly a year, the results are as follows: 1. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus utilization effect of SNPIR in different seasons and the operation parameter adjustment. In summer and autumn, the suitable operating parameters of SNPIR: anaerobic HRT=4h, aerobic biofilter HLR=5.40 short m3/ (M2 - D).SNPIR average concentration of ammonia water respectively in 45mg/L and 55mg/L, the average concentration of P043--p respectively in 6.5mg/L and 5.6mg/L, and the average effluent COD concentration was below 60mg/L; in winter, the appropriate operating parameters of SNPIR: anaerobic HRT=5h, aerobic biofilter (HLR=4.20m3/ - M2 - D) SNPIR water. The average concentration of ammonia nitrogen was about 88mg/L, the average concentration of P043--P is about 7.7mg/L, can provide a large number of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus utilization of resources for the follow-up, but the average concentration of COD was 163mg/L, can not satisfy the irrigation water quality " Standard > (GB5084-2005) COD index requirements. In winter, the appropriate operating parameters, using 1:1 reflux, over temperature increase to 10 degrees Celsius, setting various heat preservation measures, the influent COD concentration is reduced to below 250mg/L, the removal rate of COD increased to about 75%, the effluent COD concentration decreased to below 60mg/L. At this time, the effluent NH4+-N, P043--p average concentration were 70.95mg/L and 5.8mg/L.2, are established in different seasons substrate degradation kinetic model of anaerobic tank and short aerobic biofilter, guiding the design of the reactor, optimization and control. In summer, COD degradation process of anaerobic pond in autumn and winter were followed first-order reaction kinetics; and summer the degradation process of COD short aerobic biofilter followed first-order reaction kinetics. The degradation process of winter COD short-range aerobic biofilter to follow two kinetics. The degradation rate of ammonia nitrogen mainly in summer and Fall short aerobic biofilter, ammonia degradation process in the filter followed first-order reaction kinetics. The derivation, the dynamics model is validated, the absolute error and relative error is smaller, can in a certain error range is very good prediction of effluent COD and ammonia concentration of.3, the operation efficiency of different seasons alone short aerobic biological the filter was studied, and compared with the SNPIR process. The efficiency of single short aerobic biofilter has good nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus efficiency, but the ability to resist impact load in small, low hydraulic load under the effluent concentration of COD was lower than that of 60mg/L. in the design of the short-range aerobic biofilter, design the hydraulic load small will increase the filter area, increase the cost of construction in winter. Take 1:1 back above the temperature increase to 10 degrees Celsius, setting various insulation measures, the effluent COD concentration was still higher than the average 60mg/L, unable to meet the "standards for irrigation water quality" (GB5084-2005) in the COD index limits. Running nearly a year in the process of SNPIR process without clogging occurs, and separate short aerobic biofilter process repeated filling blocked, therefore, SNPIR technology is more conducive to the promotion and application.



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