本文选题:生态文明 + 生态文明制度 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The problem of ecological environment has increasingly become a major problem puzzling China's economic and social development. The government has raised "beautiful China" to a national strategic level, which has also made the construction of ecological civilization have a clear goal and direction. The broad sense of "beautiful China" includes not only the beauty of nature, but also the beauty of material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization. After decades of development, China's environmental cause has become more and more clear, but there are still many problems, so it is necessary to strengthen the system construction of ecological civilization. Because it is the inevitable requirement of the transformation of civilization in the new period, the connecting point of the transformation of the concept of ecological civilization into practice, the objective requirement of China's comprehensive and complex environmental problems, and the escort for the construction of "beautiful China". The Panjin Municipal Government has formulated a series of related systems for the construction of ecological civilization in the light of its natural ecology and energy resources, social and economic development, and a series of challenges facing the construction of the environment. The role of local governments in the construction of the ecological environment has been actively brought into play. The contents of the ecological civilization system are complex. At present, the construction of the ecological civilization system in China is still very imperfect, the ecological environment evaluation index system is not perfect, the cadre assessment system is not perfect, and the functional boundaries of the relevant environmental functional departments are not clear. All these reflect the limitation of Chinese ecological civilization management system. At the same time, the independent running environment of environmental law is relatively weak, the environmental governance means violate the spirit of rule of law, the ecological cultural values are seriously lacking, and some specific environmental systems, which are especially needed in reality, have not yet been established. These are the dilemmas faced by the construction of Chinese ecological civilization system. In view of these problems, this paper explores the specific path of the construction of ecological civilization system from the following aspects. First, in order to realize the ecologicalization of the ruling mode of thinking, we should not only realize the ecologicalization of the Party's ruling concept, but also make the government's macro-decision-making mode of thinking, practical mode of thinking ecological, and at the same time, It is also necessary to promote the ecologicalization of environmental legislation and law enforcement thinking mode and lay a solid foundation for the construction of ecological civilization system from the ideological level. Second, it is necessary to further reform and improve the management system of ecological civilization and to incorporate the evaluation of ecological civilization into the evaluation system of economic and social development. The construction of ecological civilization and the protection of ecological environment should be considered as an indispensable level in the cadre appraisal system. At the same time, the system of investigating the responsibility for ecological environment protection must be established. Third, it is necessary to improve the system of laws and regulations in the field of environment, fully respect the spirit of the rule of law, and strengthen the enforcement of environmental law. Fourth, focus on the establishment of a specific environmental system. It is necessary to establish specific systems for land and space development, property rights and use control of natural resources, and various ecological red lines. To form a real system of institutions. The construction of ecological civilization system is a complex systematic project, which can not be achieved in haste, nor can it be allowed to take its course. The government must take the responsibility and play a leading role in the construction of ecological civilization system.
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