本文选题:大气颗粒物 + 超声波清洗 ; 参考:《林业科学》2016年12期
【摘要】:【目的】以银杏为例,在常规叶片清洗方法的基础上,定量评估增加超声波清洗步骤在植物叶片表面大气颗粒物完整收集中的效果和必要性,为本研究条件下的银杏叶片确定最佳超声波清洗技术参数组合。【方法】首先,采用常规清洗(浸泡+搅拌—刷洗)+超声波清洗;6个超声时长(1、2、3、5、10、20 min)和4个超声功率[200(40%)、300(60%)、400(80%)、500 W(100%)]组合成24种处理方法对叶片(雨后4天采样)进行清洗;然后,测定或观察每个洗脱步骤的叶表面颗粒物洗脱比例、洗脱液颜色变化、叶绿素析出量和叶表面颗粒物残留情况,来判断加入超声清洗的必要性。【结果】1)在40%、60%、80%和100%功率下,当超声波清洗时长分别为5、5、5和3min时不会破坏叶片结构致使叶绿素析出叶片;2)不同超声功率下,浸泡+搅拌和进一步刷洗分别能洗脱掉叶表面33%~50%和34%~43%的颗粒物;3)在叶片经历常规清洗后,采用"100%功率+超声清洗3 min"的参数组合进行超声波清洗,可使叶表面洁净程度明显提高,且最高还可洗脱约四分之一(27%)的叶表面颗粒物;4)超声波清洗可将大量吸滞于叶表面细小、连续、条带状缝隙中的小粒径颗粒物洗脱掉。【结论】在定量评估植物叶片大气颗粒物吸滞能力时,加入超声波叶片清洗程序极为必要,其可帮助大幅提高叶片颗粒物吸滞量的评估精度。本研究条件下,银杏叶片的最佳清洗方法流程为"浸泡+搅拌—刷洗—100%功率下超声波清洗3 min",但该方法的稳定性和普适性尚需进一步研究。
[Abstract]:[objective] taking Ginkgo biloba as an example, the effect and necessity of increasing ultrasonic cleaning steps in the complete collection of atmospheric particulates on the surface of plant leaves were quantitatively evaluated on the basis of conventional leaf cleaning methods. To determine the best ultrasonic cleaning technical parameters combination for Ginkgo biloba leaves under the conditions of this study. [methods] first, The blades were cleaned by conventional cleaning (immersion agitation-washing) ultrasonic cleaning; 6 ultrasound duration was 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 10 ~ 10 ~ 20 min) and 4 ultrasonic power [200 ~ 40 ~ (40) ~ 300 ~ (60) C ~ (300) C ~ (400) were combined to clean the blades (sampled 4 days after rain). To determine the necessity of ultrasonic cleaning by measuring or observing the ratio of particulate matter elution on the leaf surface of each elution step, the color change of the eluate, the amount of chlorophyll precipitated and the residue of particulate matter on the surface of the leaf surface. [results] 1) at the power of 40,60,60,60,800% and 100%, When the length of ultrasonic cleaning is 5? 5? and 3min? Soaking stirring and further brushing can wash off 33% and 34% of the particles on the leaf surface, respectively. After the blade has undergone routine cleaning, the parameters of "100% power ultrasonic cleaning 3 min" are used to carry out ultrasonic cleaning. The clean degree of leaf surface can be improved obviously, and the highest amount of particulate matter on leaf surface can be eluted about 1/4 ~ 27m.) Ultrasonic cleaning can absorb a large amount of particles on the surface of leaves and make them fine and continuous. [conclusion] it is necessary to add ultrasonic cleaning procedure to quantitatively evaluate the hysteretic ability of atmospheric particles in plant leaves. It can help to greatly improve the accuracy of the evaluation of leaf particulate matter lag. Under the conditions of this study, the optimal cleaning process of Ginkgo biloba leaves is "soaking agitation-brushing-100% power ultrasonic cleaning 3 min", but the stability and universality of this method need further study.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室;河南师范大学环境学院黄淮水环境污染防治省部共建教育部重点实验室河南省环境污染控制重点实验室;北京林大林业科技股份有限公司;北京市海淀区园林绿化局;
【基金】:降低PM2.5空气污染的园林绿化工程关键技术研究与示范项目 北京市教育委员会科学研究与研究生培养共建项目(BLCXY201606)
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