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发布时间:2018-05-15 02:14

  本文选题:水酶法 + 油茶籽油废水 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:油茶籽油废水是水酶法提油茶籽油的副产物,其中含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物和油茶皂素等,若将其直接排放会对环境造成较大的污染。因此,对其进行净化处理具有很大的实际意义。本研究在参考其他食品加工废水处理研究的基础上,对油茶籽油废水的处理工艺进行了探究和优化。主要结果如下:1、对油茶籽废水主要化学成分和水质指标进行测定和分析。油茶籽废水中的主要成分:油茶皂素含量为6.2%、蛋白质含量为5.4%、多糖含量为5.8%、油脂含量为0.8%。油茶籽废水的水质指标为:化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, COD)浓度为358300 mg/L,总磷浓度为40 mg/L,悬浮物(suspended solids, SS)浓度为12108 mg/L氨氮浓度为432mg/L, pH为7.9,色度为2500倍。2、对油茶籽油废水进行酸化-混凝-厌氧生物处理。油茶籽油废水经自然酸化7d后,加入3%的浓度为10%的聚合氯化铝(PAC)和0.2%的浓度为3%的聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)进行混凝,静置后取上清液进行厌氧生物处理,反应时间为5 d。厌氧出水的COD浓度为15000 mg/L,氨氮浓度为452 mg/L,色度为500倍。3、对酸化-混凝-厌氧出水进一步采用Fenton处理,以进一步降低COD浓度。在单因素的基础上进行优化,得Fenton反应的最优条件:初始pH为3.0、FeSO4·7H2O的投加量为30.0 g/L, H2O2的投加量为30.0g/L,反应时间为4 h。处理后废水的COD浓度为1000 mg/L,氨氮为360 mg/L,色度为100倍。4、采用生物接触氧化处理进一步降低COD浓度。由单因素试验得到生物接触氧化的最优条件:HRT 10 h、进水pH为8.0、溶氧量4 mg/L。处理后废水的COD浓度为180 mg/L,氨氮含量为320 mg/L,色度为50倍。5、考虑到废水中氮和磷含量较高,先采用下述条件得到了脱氮的最佳参数为:反应pH为10.0,MgCl2的添加量为20 g/L, Na2HPO4的添加量为23.3 g/L,反应时间为3 h。脱氮后废水氨氮含量降至14 mg/L。在此基础上,采用三种脱磷方法,具体为:单独使用FeCl3、单独使用CaCl2、联合使用FeCl3和CaCl2。对结果进行比较分析后可知,单独添加CaCl2的方法最适于实际应用,并可知CaCl2添加量为4g/L时,废水的总磷浓度为0.2 mg/L、氨氮含量为13mg/L、COD浓度为85 mg/L、色度为5倍,达到国家《综合污水排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级排放标准。6、在最佳条件稳定运行的情况下,实际运行期间组合工艺出水COD浓度为84mg/L左右、、氨氮含量为12 mg/L左右、总磷含量为0.22 mg/L左右、SS含量为48 mg/L左右、色度为5倍,均达到国家《综合污水排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级排放标准。
[Abstract]:Camellia oleifera seed oil wastewater is a by-product of aqueous enzymatic extraction of camellia oleifera seed oil, which contains abundant proteins, carbohydrates and oiltea saponins. If it is discharged directly, the environment will be polluted greatly. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to purify it. Based on the research of other food processing wastewater treatment, the treatment process of Camellia oleifera seed oil wastewater was studied and optimized. The main results are as follows: 1. The main chemical composition and water quality index of Camellia oleifera wastewater were determined and analyzed. The main components in the wastewater of Camellia oleifera were as follows: the content of saponin was 6.2, the content of protein was 5.4, the content of polysaccharide was 5.8 and the content of oil was 0.8. The water quality index of Camellia oleifera wastewater is: chemical oxygen demand (oxygen demand, COD) concentration is 358300 mg / L, total phosphorus concentration is 40 mg / L, suspended substance concentration is 12108 mg/L ammonia nitrogen concentration is 432 mg / L, pH is 7.9, color is 2500 times .2.The wastewater from Camellia oleifera seed oil is acidified. -Coagulation-anaerobic biological treatment. After 7 days of natural acidification, the wastewater of Camellia oleifera seed oil was coagulated with 10% polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and 0.2% polyacrylamide (PAM). The supernatant was treated by anaerobic biological treatment for 5 days. The COD concentration of anaerobic effluent was 15000 mg / L, the ammonia nitrogen concentration was 452mg / L, and the chroma was 500.3.The acidification-coagulation-anaerobic effluent was further treated with Fenton in order to further reduce the COD concentration. On the basis of single factor optimization, the optimal conditions of Fenton reaction were obtained: the initial pH was 3.0% FeSO4 7H2O, the dosage of H2O2 was 30.0 g / L, and the reaction time was 4 h. The COD concentration of treated wastewater was 1000 mg / L, the ammonia nitrogen was 360 mg / L, and the chroma was 100 times. The concentration of COD was further reduced by biological contact oxidation treatment. The optimum conditions of biological contact oxidation were obtained by single factor test: 10 h, pH 8.0, dissolved oxygen content 4 mg / L. The COD concentration of treated wastewater is 180 mg / L, the ammonia nitrogen content is 320 mg / L, the chroma is 50 times. 5, considering the high nitrogen and phosphorus content in the wastewater, The optimum parameters of denitrification were obtained as follows: the amount of MgCl _ 2 was 20 g / L, the addition of Na2HPO4 was 23.3 g / L, and the reaction time was 3 h. After denitrification, the ammonia nitrogen content of wastewater decreased to 14 mg / L. On this basis, three dephosphorization methods were adopted, including FeCl _ 3 alone, CaCl _ 2 alone, FeCl3 and CaCl _ 2 combined. The results show that the method of adding CaCl2 alone is the most suitable for practical application. When CaCl2 is added to 4g/L, the concentration of total phosphorus is 0.2 mg / L, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen is 13 mg / L, the concentration of COD is 85 mg / L, and the chromaticity is 5 times. The effluent COD concentration of the combined process is about 84mg/L and the ammonia nitrogen content is about 12 mg/L under the condition of stable operation under the best conditions. The total phosphorus content is about 0.22 mg/L and SS content is about 48 mg/L, the chroma is 5 times, all of them are up to the first class discharge standard of National Comprehensive sewage discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).


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