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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:44

  本文选题:京津冀区域 + PM_(2.5) ; 参考:《南京信息工程大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The regional air quality in China is far from reaching the standard, and heavy air pollution events occur frequently, especially in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Therefore, there is an urgent need for operational air pollution forecasting. Numerical prediction of air pollution is an effective way to know the future air quality. It can analyze the evolution characteristics of pollution process and analyze the source and destination of pollutants. In 2013, China Environmental Monitoring General Station and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences established the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei early warning operational test system. From this year, six regional pollutant and AQI forecasting and early warning services have been developed, and the heavy pollution weather process in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei regions has been focused on. Operational forecasting focuses on the starting time, duration and spatial range of heavy pollution weather processes. Therefore, using the forecast products of the 2013 and 2014 test systems, this paper develops a new method for evaluating the numerical forecast ability of heavy pollution processes in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from the above three aspects, and probes into the morning report of heavy pollution weather processes. In order to improve the accuracy of forecast, the possible meteorological conditions of the evening newspaper and the missing report are caused. The results show that the forecasting accuracy of the numerical model system for predicting heavy pollution weather process three days in advance can reach 57%, the prediction effect of autumn and winter is better than that of other seasons, and the prediction effect of static and stable model is better than that of sand dust type and special type. When the forecast AQI value is more than 150, the probability of serious pollution weather process is high, such as defining AQI equal to 150 as the critical value of heavy pollution weather warning. The prediction accuracy of the model can be increased to more than 70%.) the weather system has an important influence on the prediction of the pollution process. The deviation of the WRF weather model for the prediction of the position and intensity of the low and middle layer weather system is an important reason leading to the static and stable pollution process morning report and evening report. In this paper, the developed new method is applied to evaluate and forecast the risk of heavy pollution in the same period of the 2006-2015 Winter Olympics. The 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing when the air quality in Beijing will meet the requirements of national standards and WHO guidelines. According to the study of PMstack 2.5) concentration in the same period of the 2006-2015 Winter Olympic Games, it is shown that there will be different levels of exceeding the standard in the same period of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Among them, the pollution in 2014 is the most serious, and the pollution in 2015 is relatively good. And on February 13-16 of the calendar year easy to appear the continuous heavy pollution weather process. Assuming that February pollution and meteorological conditions in 2022 are between 2014 and 2015, using a new developed method to assess the process simulation capability of the model system, and assessing the pollution risk in 2022, an emission reduction experiment is designed. Avoid heavy pollution during the session. In this paper, the main reasons of pollutant concentration change in different years of Winter Olympic Games are studied in terms of meteorology and emission sources. The study compared the concentrations of PM2. 5 in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in February 2014 and February 2015. The results showed that the emission-reduction scheme resulted in a concentration below 130ug/m3 in the same period of the 2014 and 2015 Winter Olympics, except for 13-16 days. Compared with the historical period of the Winter Olympics in 2014 and 2015, the meteorological elements in 2014 caused 40 to 60 higher levels in Beijing and Zhangjiakou than in the same period in the history of the Winter Olympic Games in 2015.) in 2014, the emission reduction resulted in a reduction of more than 60 percent in the concentrations of PMN 2.5 and NO_2, and a reduction of 40 to 60 in the concentration of PMS2 and NO_2, as a result of the increase in the concentrations of so 2 and NO_2 in 2014.


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