本文选题:秸秆焚烧 + 火点 ; 参考:《生态环境学报》2017年01期
[Abstract]:In order to understand the influence of straw incineration on the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric aerosol optical thickness (AOD), the AOD information of Jiangsu Province in May to July was calculated by using the satellite monitoring data and meteorological observation data from 2010 to 2015 in Jiangsu Province. The fire site information of Jiangsu Province in June was extracted by using context-based enhanced remote sensing recognition method, and the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of AOD and fire point were analyzed in order to provide the basis for atmospheric environment monitoring and evaluation. To provide a reference for the government straw burning prevention and control decision. The results showed that the burning points of straw burning in Jiangsu Province were mainly concentrated in June 2010 to June 2013, and the number of fire points in 2014 and 2015 decreased obviously, and the fire spots were mainly concentrated in the north of the Yangtze River, but less in the south of the Yangtze River. Without straw burning, the spatial distribution of AOD in Jiangsu Province was the highest in southern Jiangsu, followed by the lowest in middle Jiangsu and the lowest in northern Jiangsu, and the average AOD value in June affected by straw burning was higher than that in May and July. The AOD values in the western, northern and southern Jiangsu regions were significantly increased, and the AOD values in the high AOD areas were consistent with those in the high incidence areas of straw incineration, and the effects of straw burning on AOD values in southern Jiangsu, middle Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu were different to some extent. According to the calculation of AOD in May and June, it is found that the average difference of AOD in northern Jiangsu is 0.19, that in southern Jiangsu is 0.22, and that in central Jiangsu is only 0.11, and the AOD difference in some parts of central Jiangsu is not completely consistent with the distribution of fire point. This is due to the fact that in June, the east of the central Jiangsu area to the southeast wind is dominant, and the pollutants emitted from straw burning in the central Jiangsu plain are easier to diffuse, which results in the effect of straw burning on AOD values in the central Jiangsu area is less than that in the south and north of Jiangsu Province. It is not exactly consistent with the distribution of the fire point. Therefore, straw incineration has a significant effect on the temporal and spatial changes of AOD in Jiangsu Province.
【作者单位】: 江苏省气象服务中心;池州市气象局;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41375158) 江苏省气象局青年科研基金项目(Q201507);江苏省气象局重点项目(KZ201403) 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(BE2011840)
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