本文选题:高尔夫球场 + 生态系统 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the frequent occurrence of environmental problems, more and more attention has been paid to the ecological function of green space. As a large green space, golf course plays an important role in remediation of pollution and beautification of environment. The quantitative calculation of the ecosystem service value of golf course can provide a reference for the relevant government departments responsible for the management of the industry and more objectively study the sustainable development of golf. This paper reviews and analyzes the value of various types of ecosystem services, and tries to study the value of ecosystem services in golf course by combining the price measurement methods such as alternative market method, shadow price method, opportunity cost method, etc. The value of ecosystem service before and after the renovation of Xi'an Qinling International Golf Club (2009 and 2014) was calculated and analyzed, and the energy saving and environmental protection measures were put forward according to the author's practical experience. With a view to better maintenance and management to provide inspiration and advice. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the ecosystem service functions of golf course are: nutrient cycling, microclimate regulation, material production, air purification, water conservation, soil conservation, leisure sports, science and education culture, carbon sequestration and oxygen release. The comprehensive value of ecosystem service function before and after the renovation of Qinling International Golf Club in 2009 and 2014 is respectively 1: 35263001 yuan and 59871772 yuan, and the total value of unit area is 59871772 yuan / hectare and 916873 yuan / hectare respectively, the total value of unit area is 55,9730 yuan per hectare and 916873 yuan per hectare of Qinling International Golf Club in 2009 and 2014 respectively. After deducting the value of sports and leisure, the value of ecosystem service function per unit area is $31,095 per hectare and $33733 per hectare. After analyzing and comparing the value of the various functions, it is concluded that the project aimed at energy saving and environmental protection has been successfully completed. The method is suitable for the calculation of the value of ecosystem service function of all kinds of green space. It is suitable for grass species replacement through practice, and the reclaimed water irrigation is put forward. The establishment of green landfill these environmental protection measures. By comparing and analyzing the data of maintenance cost, it is shown that these energy-saving measures have good economic benefit and obvious effect of transformation.
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