本文选题:清洁生产 + 循环经济 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper briefly describes the concept of cleaner production activities, as well as the importance and far-reaching significance of carrying out this activity. Based on the description and analysis of cleaner production activities in western countries and the development of domestic activities, some problems that need to be solved are pointed out. By expounding the theory of circular economy, it is shown that this theory is an important theoretical tool for guiding cleaner production activities, and understanding the essence of circular economy is helpful in carrying out cleaner production activities. Scientific formulation of action plans and long-term planning. The problems in domestic cleaner production mainly lie in government departments and all kinds of enterprises, and the participation of the public is not satisfactory. When the government and relevant authorities perform their duties, there are some problems, such as unclear responsibilities, low efficiency, limited management level, etc. The policy implementation is not enough, and more detailed and efficient laws and regulations are lacking. When the main body of the enterprise carries out this activity, the choice of the technical route and the selection of the main equipment are often unreasonable, and many enterprises lack the sense of social responsibility and do not use the advanced development concept to guide the production and management. The public has a very important role in helping and supervising cleaner production, but the lack of channels to make suggestions, participate in activities, supervise the government, the subjective behavior of enterprises is not enough. In view of these problems existing in the government, enterprises and the public, some suggestions are put forward to help the government improve, strengthen its own functions and formulate more efficient and reasonable policies and regulations. Analysis of the importance of corporate social responsibility and the development of advanced development concepts, thereby publicizing and advocating for their improvement; and analysis of the public's important catalytic role and participation in the exercise of recommendations for the event, The need and significance of the diversity of supervisory behaviour.
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