本文选题:稳定化处理 + 超富集植物 ; 参考:《生态环境学报》2016年09期
【摘要】:为探讨稳定化处理砷污染土壤对植物生物量及富集砷的影响,以清远市某金矿废渣场附近土壤为研究对象,以蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata L.)、苎麻(Boehmeria nivea L.)、香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides L.)为供试植物,采用室内盆栽试验研究了粉煤灰、干化污泥、花生壳、硫酸亚铁、磷酸二氢钾等5种稳定剂对植物生长及富集砷的影响,以期为矿区砷污染土壤的稳定化修复及矿区的生态恢复提供依据。研究结果表明,不同稳定剂的添加可促进蜈蚣草、香根草、苎麻的生长,其中,粉煤灰、干化污泥和花生壳处理下蜈蚣草、苎麻地上部干重分别较对照增加了4.4、2.9倍;粉煤灰、干化污泥、花生壳、硫酸亚铁和磷酸二氢钾处理下香根草地上部干重较对照增加了14.9倍。蜈蚣草对As有较强的富集能力,对照组蜈蚣草地上部As质量分数高达2 078.34 mg·kg-1;添加粉煤灰、干化污泥和硫酸亚铁使蜈蚣草地上部As含量最大下降44.8%,而添加粉煤灰、干化污泥和磷酸二氢钾能够显著增加蜈蚣草地上部分As含量。香根草对As有较强的富集能力,表现为根茎叶。苎麻富集As的能力相对较弱,其对As的吸收主要集中在根部,但其生物量最大,表现出了较强的As耐受性。由相关性分析结果可知,土壤中可交换态As、碳酸盐结合态As是影响植物体中As含量的主要因素。添加稳定剂能在一定程度上增加植物对As的累积量,不同植物对As的累积能力表现为蜈蚣草香根草苎麻,耐受性为蜈蚣草苎麻香根草。
[Abstract]:In order to study the effects of stabilization treatment on plant biomass and arsenic enrichment in soils contaminated by arsenic, the soil near a gold mine waste site in Qingyuan City was studied. The plants of Pteris vittata L., Boehmeria nivea L., Vetiveria zizanioides L. were studied. The effects of five stabilizers, such as fly ash, dried sludge, peanut shell, ferrous sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, on the growth and enrichment of arsenic in plants, were studied in an indoor pot experiment. In order to provide basis for stabilization and restoration of arsenic contaminated soil and ecological restoration of mining area. The results showed that the addition of different stabilizers could promote the growth of Pteris vittata, vetiver grass and Ramie. The dry weight of aboveground part of Ramie was 4.42.9 times higher than that of the control under the treatment of fly ash, dried sludge and peanut shell, respectively. Dried sludge peanut shell ferrous sulfate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate treatment increased the aboveground dry weight of vetiver grass by 14.9 times compared with the control. Pteris vittata has a strong ability to enrich as, the content of as in the upper part of the Centipede grassland in the control group is 2 078.34 mg / kg ~ (-1), the content of as in the upper part of the grass is decreased by 44.8 mg / kg ~ (-1), the content of as in the upper part of the grass is decreased 44.8 mg / kg ~ (-1) by adding fly ash, Dry sludge and potassium dihydrogen phosphate could significantly increase as content in the aboveground part of Pteris vittata. Vetiver has a strong ability to enrich as, which is shown as rhizomatous leaves. The ability of Ramie to enrich as is relatively weak, and its absorption of as is mainly concentrated in the root, but its biomass is the largest, showing strong as tolerance. The results of correlation analysis showed that exchangeable as and carbonate bound as were the main factors affecting the content of as in plant. To a certain extent, the addition of stabilizer could increase the amount of as accumulated by plants. The accumulation ability of different plants to as was shown as that of Phyllanthus vittata L. Ramie, and the tolerance was Pteris vittata L. Ramie vetiver grass.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所;
【基金】:广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2012B091000152) 广东省科技计划项目(2013B020307011) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(pm-zx021-201410-023)
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