[Abstract]:In order to understand the pollution status of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil of energy and chemical industry base in Northern Shaanxi, 38 soil sampling sites were selected in Yulin mining area. The pollution of 8 kinds of heavy metals (As-CrCrCrCrcdcdCuHgPbPbMn-Zn) and 16 kinds of Nap-Acpy-AcpPhe-FluPhea (AntPhea) were detected and analyzed respectively, and the pollution risk analysis was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the pollution risk of Indba Bghip (Indba Bghip). The results are as follows: (1) the soils in Yulin mining area are polluted by 8 kinds of heavy metals to varying degrees, and the content of heavy metals is 0.114850 渭 g / g. To some extent, it can be concluded that the pollution of heavy metals in the soil of Yulin City is more serious, among which the pollution of CD HgCU is the most serious. The main causes of heavy metal pollution are the overmining of mines, the random accumulation of solid wastes, the sedimentation of the atmosphere, the sewage irrigation and so on. (2) the correlation between heavy metal elements is analyzed. The results show that there is a good correlation between the Cd-PbCd-PbCd-Pb-HgCn-Mn and the correlation coefficients of 0.545and 0.5220.883U 0.5650.683C ~ (0.628) ~ 0.619, respectively. It can be seen that Cd-Pb has the highest correlation, indicating that CD and Pb in soil may have the same source, and the correlation between other heavy metal elements is not high after precipitation and adsorption accumulation in soil. The results show that heavy metal pollution in soil belongs to mixed source. (3) the pollution risk of eight heavy metals was analyzed by using Nemero pollution index method and ground accumulation index method, respectively. The results showed that the sampling point S22 pollution index was the highest with the mean value of 173.55, which exceeded the lowest value of severe pollution by 50 times, and 25 of the 38 sampling points were moderately polluted by the method of ground accumulation index. The pollution index of four points belongs to the strong pollution grade, which should be paid enough attention to. (4) the PAHs in the soil samples of the energy and chemical industry base were analyzed. The results showed that the total concentrations of 16 PAHs in the soil ranged from 2.6-864.2 渭 g/kg. The average value of PAHs was 94. 5 渭 g / kg PAHs and S22 and S18, respectively. The contents of PAHs in the samples were 190.8 渭 g/kg and 188.2 渭 g / kg. respectively. (5) the lifetime carcinogenic risk ILCRs (probabilistic incremental lifetime cancer risk), of children and adults exposed to PAHs in the soils of Yulin mining area were calculated. The ILCRs produced by respiration are smaller than those of the other two exposure pathways. According to the total ILCRs, the effect of PAHs on human health in the soil of the mining area was from high to low: adult female, adult male, male and male.
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