[Abstract]:Garbage art is the intersection of all kinds of modern thinking. It reflects the connection of consumption and regeneration of form and people's new understanding of the standard of beauty and ugliness. Its appearance, reflected people to the current society one kind of reflection. The application of renewable resources in urban development is the inevitable result of the concept of "ecology, environmental protection, low carbon". The use of renewable energy is in line with the current trend of the times, and combined with the element of space, can not only green environmental protection but also create new design to meet the needs of people. Garbage is the resources in the wrong place and then used for the benefit of nature and mankind. On the one hand, the integration of the environment to dispose of garbage, better protection of the environment. On the other hand, using resource recycling can create new space and design. The combination of renewable resources and space design refers to the application of a large number of waste materials which can not be fully utilized in space design, so as to maximize the utilization of discarded materials. The combination of renewable resources and space design not only follows the scientific research of environmental protection, but also provides a new perspective for the design. Through the discussion of recycling materials in the implementation of specific measures to better combine the two. Renewable resources are used in space to establish a more scientific dialogue between human and environmental space. Build the environment in a more environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and sustainable way.
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