[Abstract]:Aiming at the tailings resources of a rare earth mine, the feasibility scheme of "zero discharge" technology for the tailings of a rare earth mine is put forward by means of experimental research, process design, market analysis, investment estimation and so on. A rare earth deposit is a quartz barite carbonate rare earth deposit. Rare earth minerals mainly exist in fluorocarbon and calcium cerium ores. In addition, there are a small amount of monazite and cerium apatite in the ores. Gangue minerals are calcite, dolomite, quartz, and contain barite and a small amount of fluorite. Through the flotation process, the rare earth concentrate containing rare earth oxide (REO) > 45% is integrated into the raw ore with a grade of 3% or 4%. The barite, fluorite and sulfides contained in the rare earth ore are mostly enriched in tailings, resulting in a waste of resources. The rare earth concentrate is obtained by flotation separation process, and the primary ore is treated by flotation and dry separation process of crushing and grinding ore. Two kinds of products of rare earth concentrate and tailings with yield 6.85 and REO more than 45% are obtained. At present, the annual treatment capacity of the rare earth ore is 110000 t, and the output of tailings is 102500 t / a. Among them, 63000 tons of tailings are filled into underground goaf as filling materials, and the remaining nearly 40000 tons of tailings are discharged to the surface tailings reservoir after being concentrated. With the increase of tailings discharge, many problems, such as environmental pollution, ecological destruction, safety accidents and occupation of land, caused by a large number of tailings deposited on the surface, have become important social problems that can not be ignored. These piles of tailings through technical processing can be turned into treasure, as a new building materials production raw materials. This paper mainly studies the comprehensive utilization of flotation tailings of a rare earth ore. From the point of view of economic benefit and environmental protection, based on experimental research, combined with market research and feasibility study, A win-win solution of economic benefit and environmental protection is found for the treatment technology of the flotation tailings of the rare earth ore, and the "zero discharge" of the tailings of the rare earth ore is finally realized.
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