[Abstract]:There are more studies on urban heat island effect, but less on urban dew, especially on urban dew under the action of urban heat island. It is important to explore the relationship between urban dew and urban heat island to promote condensation of urban dew and to improve urban water balance. In order to study the relationship between the two, the Cloth-plate Method method was used in the high dewdrop season in Guangzhou (August to November). Dew water was collected in January (winter), April (spring), July (summer) and other typical seasons. The four spots of dew water collection and heat island monitoring were selected respectively in industrial area, commercial district, residential area and forest park in Guangzhou. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between the daily average heat island frequency and urban dew, even if there was a high frequency heat island effect in urban areas, it was difficult to completely hinder the occurrence of dew events, even if there was a high frequency heat island effect in urban areas. The frequency of heat island in the weather without dew is about 10% higher than that when dew occurs. Both day, night and daily mean heat island intensity are negatively correlated with the urban nighttime dew, and the difference between the urban function areas and the intensity of the heat island in the urban function area is related to the intensity of the heat island. The relationship between urban heat island and urban dew is affected by many factors, and the formation of dew may be affected by the influence of relative humidity and evaporation. The results show that the heat island effect may be more favorable to the occurrence of dew, and the change of heat island strength will directly affect the amount of dew condensation.
【作者单位】: 国家环境保护饮用水水源地管理技术重点实验室//深圳市环境科学研究院;中山大学有害生物控制及资源利用国家重点实验室;河南科技学院园林学院;
【基金】:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0502800) 国家自然科学基金项目(30670385) 广东省特聘教授(珠江学者)基金项目 深圳市环境科技计划项目(0708-144106ZXY030;SZZZ2015-C0007;LD2015GP-SZC055)
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