[Abstract]:The distribution of oil and gas in Shiwu fault depression area of Songliao Basin is complex, the exploration degree is high, the scale of sewage discharged out of oil field is huge, and the treatment effect of conventional technology is not ideal. The formation below 4km is in a negative pressure state. If the parameters of storage medium reach the corresponding standard of geological landfill, it can be used in engineering practice. Based on the hydrological and geological data in this area, a numerical simulation model of groundwater flow and pollutant transport in sewage was established to simulate the characteristics of groundwater flow and the migration of pollutants when sewage was injected into the low-pressure system in the study area. At the same time, the storage capacity of the system space sewage is estimated. In the process of prediction, the formation mechanism and distribution characteristics of negative pressure in fault subsidence area are analyzed, and the environmental impact degree of sewage is predicted by combining virtual particle tracing and water injection process. The results show that the abnormal low pressure area of Shiwu fault depression is a closed storage area of natural sewage, the pressure gradient of the system is only 0.005 ~ 0. 008 MPA / m, the storage capacity is as high as 1.241 脳 10 ~ 8 m ~ 3, and the escape probability of pollutants is very small, so it is very suitable for the disposal of oilfield sewage.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学环境学院;中国石油勘探开发研究院;
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