发布时间:2018-08-14 13:31
【摘要】:从某猪场废水处理系统序批式生物膜反应器(sequencing batch biofilm reactor,简称SBBR)中分离纯化得到菌株A和菌株B,经形态学鉴定菌株A为乳白色、革兰氏阳性长杆菌;菌株B为灰白色、革兰氏阳性短杆菌。菌株A最佳生长条件为温度30~50℃、盐度1%~2%、pH值6~8;菌株B最佳生长条件为温度20~40℃、盐度1%~2%、pH值6~8。在不同因素组合下,将菌株A、B分别接种于供试废水中,对废水化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,简称COD)去除率最高分别为64.11%、54.74%;NH3-N最佳降解率分别为54.57%、55.54%。
[Abstract]:Strain A and strain B were isolated and purified from sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) in a wastewater treatment system of a pig farm. Strain A and strain B were identified by morphology as milky white, Gram-positive bacillus, and strain B as grayish white. Gram-positive short bacillus. The optimum growth conditions of strain A were as follows: temperature 30 ~ 50 鈩,
[Abstract]:Strain A and strain B were isolated and purified from sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) in a wastewater treatment system of a pig farm. Strain A and strain B were identified by morphology as milky white, Gram-positive bacillus, and strain B as grayish white. Gram-positive short bacillus. The optimum growth conditions of strain A were as follows: temperature 30 ~ 50 鈩,