[Abstract]:In order to investigate the distribution of copper chemical forms in Reed under paper making wastewater irrigation, the chemical forms of copper (ethanol, water, sodium chloride) in various parts (root, stem, leaf, ear) of Reed irrigated with different wastewater concentrations were studied by simulated wetland experiment. The distribution characteristics of acetic acid and hydrochloric acid extracts and the effects of Reed growth stage (germination stage, leaf spreading stage, rapid growth stage, heading stage and mature stage) on the chemical forms of copper were studied. The results showed that the copper content of Reed was affected by the concentration of wastewater and the growth period of Reed. When the wastewater concentration was 300mg L ~ (-1), the copper content (12.65mg kg ~ (-1),) in Reed was the highest in root (10.67mg kg ~ (-1), stem) (6.02mg kg ~ (-1); was the highest (14.52mg kg ~ (-1),) (5.57mg kg ~ (-1);). And there are great differences among different parts. The main forms of copper in Reed were ethanol (3.43mg kg-1) and water (3.00mg kg-1), among which the content of root ethanol (32.02%) and water (24.77%) was the highest, while the content of Cu HCl in spike was the highest (42.33%). In the growing stage of Reed, the proportion of HAC extract was the highest (30.83%), ethanol (18.97%) and water (21.54%) was the second. In the other growing period, the main forms of copper were ethanol and water. In total, 67.31% of the total amount was 54.34 and 52.490.The copper in the Reed was mainly derived from the weak acid copper in the soil. When the wastewater concentration was 300mg L ~ (-1), the copper absorption rate of Reed was the highest (9.62%), and that of Reed was the highest (3.46%) at leaf extension stage, which was higher than that of weak acid copper in soil. The paper making wastewater irrigation promoted the absorption of copper from Reed. Under the irrigation of wastewater concentration, the proportion of copper species in Reed changed little.
【作者单位】: 沈阳农业大学理学院;沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院;上海环境卫生工程设计院有限公司;上海污染场地修复工程技术研究中心;
【基金】:辽宁省自然基金面上项目(201602660) 国家自然科学基金项目(31470710);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31100517) 辽宁省重大科技计划项目(2012212001) 辽宁省优秀人才支持计划项目(LJQ2011070)
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