[Abstract]:Xidayang Reservoir has become the drinking water supply source of millions of cities since 2003. The emergency water source of Beijing area is now the water transmission hub of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The central part of North China Plain is the largest reservoir with the strongest water function. It is a large I reservoir with comprehensive utilization of water supply, flood control, irrigation and power generation. The spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton community in the reservoir was analyzed, and the relationship between zooplankton community and environmental impact factors in the reservoir area was analyzed. The water environmental quality was evaluated, and the nutrient types of the reservoir were determined. Species, Density, Biomass, Diversity Index and Water Environmental Factors were analyzed. GAM analysis and CCA analysis were used to explore the correlation between the biological indexes of zooplankton and the influencing factors of water quality in the Western Ocean Reservoir. The water quality and nutrient level of Xidayang Reservoir were evaluated by the methods of the number of zooplankton, diversity index, pollution indicator species and so on, in order to provide basic data for the ecological research of Xidayang Reservoir, to enhance the self-purification ability of Xidayang Reservoir, to reduce the nutrient level, to optimize the function of its source area, and to maintain the clean water continuously. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. A total of 64 species of zooplankton belonging to 36 genera and 16 families were identified during the investigation period of Xidayang Reservoir. Among them, 39 species belonging to 18 genera of 8 families, accounting for 61%, 11 species belonging to 9 genera of 4 families of cladocera, 17%, 14 species belonging to 9 genera of 4 families of copepods, accounting for 22%, the most species in summer and autumn, followed by spring, the least in winter and phytoplankton. The average annual density of zooplankton was 469 ind. / L and the average annual biomass was 3.55 mg / L. There were 11 dominant species of zooplankton, including 6 rotifers, 2 Cladocera and 2 copepods. The average annual density of dominant species was 351 ind. / L, accounting for 71% of the total density, and the average annual biomass was 2.52 mg / L, accounting for 68% of the total biomass. - 3.57, annual average value is 2.9, Margalef richness index varies from 1.12 to 3.32, annual average value is 2.6, Simpson index is less than 1, annual average value is 0.8, three kinds of diversity index are high in summer and autumn, low in winter and spring, the distribution trend between different points is not obvious. 2, the main index of zooplankton community structure in the Western Ocean Reservoir (species number, density and growth) The main water quality factors affecting density and biomass were chlorophyll a, total nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. The number of species was positively correlated with transparency and negatively correlated with total phosphorus. There was a significant correlation between biomass and chlorophyll a content, a linear relationship between density and chlorophyll a content, a significant relationship with dissolved oxygen, a significant correlation with water temperature and no linear relationship. Chlorophyll A and nutrients, rotifers are mainly affected by water temperature, chlorophyll a, planktonic crustaceans and transparency, dissolved oxygen correlation is greater, water temperature, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a are the dominant species of zooplankton, the main influencing factors are significantly positive correlation. 3. The use of zooplankton density and biomass indicators, diversity index, environmental indicators, rotifer Q value and so on. The water quality and eutrophication status of Xidayang Reservoir were comprehensively evaluated by biochemical evaluation method combined with water quality chemical evaluation index and comprehensive nutrition state index. The water quality of Xiyang Reservoir is good, which meets Class II surface water standard and meets the water quality requirement of Xiyang Reservoir as water supply source.
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