[Abstract]:Compared with biotechnology, constructed wetlands have the advantages of lower investment and operation cost, simpler management, and are favored in rural domestic sewage treatment projects. At the same time, most landscape plants withered in winter and some evergreen plants entered dormancy under low temperature, which resulted in the decrease of pollutant purification efficiency and landscape benefit of winter constructed wetlands. Soilless vegetable cultivation technology and greenhouse vegetable technology were combined to construct a combined aquatic vegetable filter bed-vegetable subsurface flow constructed wetland system. The removal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the tail water of domestic sewage after secondary treatment were studied year-round according to vegetable growth season. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) Different plant configurations in summer and autumn. The removal rates of TN and TP per unit area were 3.2-4.2 g / (m2.d) and 0.33-0.45 g / (m2.d), respectively. The removal loads of TN and TP in Holly, Zizania latifolia and Canna were about 14% lower than those in large-scale landscape plants. The contribution of aquatic vegetable filter bed system to TN and TP removal rates were 42.2% and 44.2% respectively. The average removal rates of TN, NH4 +, TP in nine test systems were increased to 72.9%, 77.7% and 84.3%, respectively. In addition, nitrogen composition was also an important influencing factor, C (NO3-) / C (TN) increased from 0.38 to 0.71, NH4 + - N, TN removal rates varied from 0.38 to 0.71. Increasing the nitrification rate of the biological unit in the front stage of the bio-ecological combination process is of positive significance to the removal of nitrogen in the ecological unit. (2) In winter and spring, the removal rates of TN were 3.2-3.5 g / (m2.d) and 0.20-0.26 g / (m2.d) per unit area, respectively. Compared with the purification efficiency in summer and autumn, the removal rate of TN in winter and spring was not obvious, but the removal rate of TP appeared. Hydraulic load decreased from 0.30 m3 /(m2 d) to 0.18 m3 /(m2 d), TN, NH4 +, TP removal rate increased in varying degrees. Nitrogen composition and carbon source were the two main factors affecting nitrogen purification efficiency. With the change of C (NO3 -) / C (NH4 +) from 1.20 to 1.84, NH4 + - N removal rate increased first and then decreased, and TN removal rate was the first. The influent C/N ratio increased from 2.0 to 4.1, and the average TN removal rate increased from 42.1% to 70.2%. The concentrations of TN, NH4+, TP decreased regularly along the process under different loads in different systems, and the removal of nutrients was concentrated in the front of filter bed and subsurface wetland, and the decreases were more obvious when hydraulic loads decreased. The results showed that the effluent NH of several combined systems, i.e. watering with hydraulic load of 0.24 m3 /(m2.d), TN, NH4 +, TP of 27.4 mg/L, 10.8 mg/L and 2.0 mg/L respectively, was obtained under the conditions of summer and autumn hollow cabbage, water spinach, water lily, tomato-reed and winter and spring plastic greenhouse. 4 + - N, TN basically reached < urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard > (GB18918-2002) - A standard, the first two combinations of TP can reach - A standard, the other combinations of TP meet - B standard. Plastic greenhouse warming ensures that the combined ecosystem in the same - hydraulic load to achieve the same water discharge standard throughout the year. (4) The content of vitamin C and soluble sugar in vegetable produced by aquatic vegetable filter bed-subsurface flow constructed wetland were in the range of 36.% 75.9 mg/100g and 0.477-0.894 g/100g, respectively, with good quality; the content of nitrate was in the range of 89.1-195.4 mg/kg, far below 432 mg/kg. Standard. Except for Hg content of water spinach and Pb content of lettuce, no heavy metal pollution was found in other vegetable grains, which was safe to eat. Taking the cultivation of watercress in winter and spring as an example, the production benefit of the combined Niujie system was roughly estimated, deducting the cost of the construction of the combined system, the construction of plastic greenhouse and seed input, and the yield benefit was 25 340 yuan per mu. The organic combination of soilless culture and sewage treatment can bring considerable economic benefits.
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