[Abstract]:Calcium based absorbent can effectively recycle the lower concentration of CO_2, in flue gas at higher temperature and release high concentration of CO_2. through heating up. However, with the continuous release / adsorption of CO_2, the absorption efficiency of the absorbent decreases significantly. If only calcium based material is used as the CO_2 trapping agent, fresh absorbent should be continuously put in, and the consumption will be larger. Taking cement industry as the background, this paper studies the capture of CO_2 in the flue gas, and uses a one-dimensional attapulgite to modify the surface of the absorbent to alleviate the sintering phenomenon of the absorbent and to improve the absorption efficiency of CO_2. The experimental results show that the amount of CO_2 physically adsorbed by attapulgite contributes to the increase of carbonation rate of calcium based absorbent, but this contribution is smaller than that of the improvement of anti-sintering property of absorber. The modified effect of attapulgite on the sorbent with larger particle size is better, and the modification effect is further improved when the particle size of purified attapulgite is reduced when the particle size of calcium based absorbent is not changed.
【作者单位】: 西安建筑科技大学材料与矿资学院;陕西循环经济工程技术院;中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51274159) 陕西省重大科技创新专项(2012zkc06-2)
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