[Abstract]:The pollution of heavy metals in soil caused by the exploitation of mineral resources has become a major environmental problem all over the world. When farmland soils are polluted by heavy metals, the available heavy metals will be enriched into crops and endanger human health through the food chain. In this study, the investigation of heavy metal pollution in farmland soil was carried out in Daye, a mining and metallurgical city, and the low cost control of heavy metal contaminated soil was studied by means of indoor passivation test and outdoor field experiment. The main results are as follows: (1) the contents of heavy metals in farmland soil of 10 regions of Daye City were analyzed. The average content of Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd was higher than the background value of Hubei Province, which was 4.14 ~ 1.25 ~ 2.63 ~ 15.29 times of background value respectively. Using the soil background value of Hubei Province as the evaluation criterion, the evaluation results of Nemero comprehensive pollution index method show that all sampling sites and regions are heavily polluted, Cd and Cu contribute the most, followed by Pb and Zn.. The results of the potential ecological hazard index method showed that most of the sampling sites and regions were at strong risk, Cd was the most risky pollutant, and Cu was the second. Among the 10 regions, the three regions with the most serious pollution and the highest risk were Tonglushan and Kewan, respectively. (2) the heavy metal contents of rape and wheat in Daye City were analyzed, and the Cu,Zn,Pb content of grain exceeded the standard to some extent. The enrichment ability of grain to heavy metal is ZnCuPb, rapeseed grain is easier to absorb Zn, than rapeseed grain, wheat grain is easier to absorb Cu.. The improved BCR method was used to classify the forms of Cu,Zn,Pb in crop soil. Except for the Pb of rape soil, the other heavy metals were mainly concentrated in residue, the content of acid soluble state was the lowest, the average proportion was not more than 15%. The Cu content of crop grain was significantly positively correlated with soil non-residual Cu content, and the correlation with acid-soluble Cu content was the strongest. (3) the effect of dolomite, limestone, wollastonite and apatite powder on soil Cu,Zn, was studied by laboratory passivation test. The passivation effect of Pb, all four minerals can passivate heavy metals in soil, and the effect of high addition is better than that of low addition. The decrease of acid soluble state and the increase of residual state in pH 4.79 and pH 5.13 soils were larger than those in pH 6.70 and pH 7.27 soils. In most cases, dolomite and limestone have better effect on Cu, limestone and wollastonite have better effect on Zn. The effect of phosphate and wollastonite on Pb was better. (4) the effect of dolomite and wollastonite on the remediation of heavy metals in soil was studied through outdoor field experiments. The mineral addition was set to 1 / 2% (W / W). The two minerals effectively reduced the activity of heavy metals in soil and the absorption of heavy metals by maize. The effect of dolomite on Cu and Zn was better. The acid soluble state of soil decreased by 37.54% and 17.90% and 25.58, and the contents of Cu and Zn in corn grain decreased 29.86% and 19.71%, respectively. The effect of wollastonite on Pb was better. After treatment, the Pb of residual soil was 2.18 ~ 3.00 times of that of the control, and the content of Pb in corn grain was 30.25 ~ 33.46 times lower than that of the control. The plant height and yield increased first and then decreased with the increase of mineral addition, and reached the maximum at 2% (W / W), and dolomite had better effect on plant height. Wollastonite has a good effect on increasing yield.
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