发布时间:2018-11-13 15:21
【摘要】:氰化物是重要的工业原料且得到了广泛应用,但氰化物有剧毒,微量即可使人或动物致死。所以工业含氰废水要经过处理后才可以排放,实验通过生物材料橘皮碳负载纳米银颗粒对氰根进行了去除实验研究。实验从冶炼废渣中提取银粉,使用硝酸对冶炼废渣进行加热溶解,向上层清液中加入氯化钠溶液生成氯化银沉淀.实验针对冶炼废渣特点对该方法进行了改进,在硝酸加热溶解前使用强碱溶液对冶炼废渣进行了水浴加热处理,碱处理后的氯化银提取量高于未用碱处理过的提取量。实验以不同温度烧制橘皮碳,在流化床装置中经过实际处理后发现300℃烧制30min的橘皮碳对氰根的去除效果最好,氮吸附测试证明橘皮碳为无孔结构,吸附由离子表面吸附和粒子间空隙吸附协同作用完成,吸附效果较好。弗洛因德里希拟合式为Q=1.3989C0.58868,拟合度为0.9087,橘皮碳吸附氰根符合拉格朗日准二级动力学方程式。利用提纯的银粉通过葡萄糖还原氧化银原理成功制备出了纳米银颗粒,将纳米银颗粒负载在橘皮碳上,在流化床内进行氰根去除实验。实验研究了通气量,pH,投加量,处理时间对氰根去除率的影响,得出了最佳条件:14 L/min(通气量),1.0 g(投加量),150 min(处理时间),pH=8,25℃(温度),氰根去除率达到95%以上。通过正交试验结果显示,处理时间对试验结果影响最大,通气量对实验结果影响最小。对橘皮碳进行了回收再生,橘皮碳经过再生后可以继续保持高效的吸附能力。
[Abstract]:Cyanide is an important industrial raw material and has been widely used, but cyanide is highly toxic and can kill people or animals. Therefore, the industrial cyanide wastewater can only be discharged after treatment. The removal of cyanide was studied by carbon loaded nano-silver particles in the biomaterial orange peel. Silver powder was extracted from the slag of smelting, and the slag was heated and dissolved by nitric acid, and sodium chloride solution was added to the upper liquid to form silver chloride precipitation. According to the characteristics of smelting waste slag, the method was improved by using strong alkali solution before heating and dissolving of nitric acid. The extraction amount of silver chloride after alkali treatment was higher than that without alkali treatment. Orange peel carbon was fired at different temperatures. After practical treatment in a fluidized bed plant, it was found that the carbon of orange peel fired at 300 鈩,
[Abstract]:Cyanide is an important industrial raw material and has been widely used, but cyanide is highly toxic and can kill people or animals. Therefore, the industrial cyanide wastewater can only be discharged after treatment. The removal of cyanide was studied by carbon loaded nano-silver particles in the biomaterial orange peel. Silver powder was extracted from the slag of smelting, and the slag was heated and dissolved by nitric acid, and sodium chloride solution was added to the upper liquid to form silver chloride precipitation. According to the characteristics of smelting waste slag, the method was improved by using strong alkali solution before heating and dissolving of nitric acid. The extraction amount of silver chloride after alkali treatment was higher than that without alkali treatment. Orange peel carbon was fired at different temperatures. After practical treatment in a fluidized bed plant, it was found that the carbon of orange peel fired at 300 鈩,