[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in China, the amount of garbage increases year by year, the problem of garbage surrounding the city is more and more prominent, and the harm to the living environment is becoming more and more serious. Because of the traditional landfill, composting and incineration methods, it is difficult to meet the increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements of a large number of municipal solid waste treatment, and the traditional garbage treatment technology is very low energy utilization and disposal is not enough. Using the new dry cement kiln cooperative treatment technology can not only thoroughly deal with domestic waste, but also effectively solve the environmental pollution, and can provide fuel and raw materials for cement production, and further improve the efficiency of energy utilization. It is the research and development direction of modern waste disposal. In this paper, the present situation of municipal solid waste treatment in China and the development of domestic and foreign garbage disposal technology are analyzed. The effects of MSW incineration on cement kiln production system, cement clinker performance and ecological environment are studied. The possibility of co-disposal of municipal solid waste with new cement dry kiln is analyzed. Combined with the actual cement kiln cooperative disposal of municipal solid waste project, several sets of schemes are designed to optimize the selection, and it is concluded that using "grate furnace cement kiln" cooperative disposal is a more ideal scheme. It can effectively realize the goal of reducing quantity, innocuous and resource utilization, and has good demonstration and popularization significance.
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