发布时间:2019-02-23 20:33
【摘要】:因排放量巨大,二氧化碳被认为是造成全球变暖的主要温室气体,如何降低CO2排放量从而抑制全球变暖已经成为中国乃至世界各国共同面临的挑战,同时也成了各领域研究者共同关注的焦点。近年来,PZ(哌嗪)、AEPZ(氨乙基哌嗪)、DETA(二乙烯三胺)和TETA(三乙烯四胺),这四种具有高吸收速率的有机胺引起了很多研究者的兴趣。目前,已经有一些公开的文献报道了这四种有机胺在吸收C02方面的一些应用。本文中,首先选择了四种总浓度为30wt%的吸收剂:DETA+PZ, DETA+AEPZ,TETA+PZ和TETA+AEPZ,在填料塔中进行C02吸收的实验,并分别考察了添加剂PZ和AEPZ浓度、液体流量、气体流量、进口CO2浓度以及吸收剂温度对CO2脱除率的影响。实验结果表明,相比单一的DETA或TETA溶液,添加一定量的PZ或AEPZ能提高C02脱除率,但是添加过量的AEPZ效果则相反。四种吸收溶液中,DETA+PZ的脱碳效果最好,而TETA+AEPZ的脱碳效果最差。在填料塔实验的基础上,以25% DETA+5% PZ为主要吸收剂,在旋转填充床中进行了CO2吸收的实验,并考察了转子转速、PZ浓度、液体流量、气体流量、气体停留时间、进口C02浓度以及温度对CO2脱除率和KCa的影响。研究结果表明转子转速、液体流量、气体流量和气体停留时间、温度对CO2脱除率和KGa影响较大,而PZ浓度和进口C02浓度的影响则相对较低。本文得出的较适宜的操作条件为:转子转速为1000-1200 rpm,液体流量为11 L·h-1,PZ浓度为5%以及温度为40-50℃,在此条件下,当气体流量为2.0 m3·h-1时,C02脱除率可达90%以上;同时,依据实验数据拟合出了KGa的实验关联式,结果显示绝大多数KGa计算值和实验值的误差在±20%以内,可以较好地预测实验结果。另外,通过旋转填充床和填料塔的实验结果的对比,可以看出,在相似操作条件下,旋转填充床在C02吸收方面更具优势。
[Abstract]:Because of the huge emissions, carbon dioxide is considered to be the main greenhouse gas causing global warming. How to reduce the CO2 emissions to curb global warming has become a common challenge for China and the world. At the same time, it has also become the focus of attention of researchers in various fields. In recent years, PZ (piperazine), AEPZ (aminoethylpiperazine (), DETA (diethylenetriamine) and TETA (triethylenetetramine), four organic amines with high absorption rate, have attracted many researchers' interest. The applications of these four organic amines in the absorption of CO2 have been reported in some public literatures. In this paper, four kinds of absorbent: DETA PZ, DETA AEPZ,TETA PZ and TETA AEPZ, with total concentration of 30 wt% were selected for CO2 absorption in packed column, and the concentration of PZ and AEPZ, the flow rate of liquid and the flow rate of gas were investigated, respectively. The influence of CO2 concentration and absorbent temperature on the removal rate of CO2. The experimental results show that compared with a single DETA or TETA solution, adding a certain amount of PZ or AEPZ can increase the removal rate of CO2, but the effect of adding too much AEPZ is opposite. The decarburization effect of, DETA PZ is the best and that of TETA AEPZ is the worst. On the basis of packed column experiment, using 25% DETA 5% PZ as the main absorbent, the experiment of CO2 absorption in rotating packed bed was carried out, and the rotor speed, PZ concentration, liquid flow rate and gas residence time were investigated. Effects of inlet CO2 concentration and temperature on CO2 removal rate and KCa. The results show that rotor speed, liquid flow rate, gas residence time and temperature have great influence on CO2 removal rate and KGa, but the influence of PZ concentration and inlet CO2 concentration is relatively low. The optimum operating conditions are as follows: rotor speed is 1000-1200 rpm, liquid flow rate is 11L h-1PZ concentration 5% and temperature is 40-50 鈩,
[Abstract]:Because of the huge emissions, carbon dioxide is considered to be the main greenhouse gas causing global warming. How to reduce the CO2 emissions to curb global warming has become a common challenge for China and the world. At the same time, it has also become the focus of attention of researchers in various fields. In recent years, PZ (piperazine), AEPZ (aminoethylpiperazine (), DETA (diethylenetriamine) and TETA (triethylenetetramine), four organic amines with high absorption rate, have attracted many researchers' interest. The applications of these four organic amines in the absorption of CO2 have been reported in some public literatures. In this paper, four kinds of absorbent: DETA PZ, DETA AEPZ,TETA PZ and TETA AEPZ, with total concentration of 30 wt% were selected for CO2 absorption in packed column, and the concentration of PZ and AEPZ, the flow rate of liquid and the flow rate of gas were investigated, respectively. The influence of CO2 concentration and absorbent temperature on the removal rate of CO2. The experimental results show that compared with a single DETA or TETA solution, adding a certain amount of PZ or AEPZ can increase the removal rate of CO2, but the effect of adding too much AEPZ is opposite. The decarburization effect of, DETA PZ is the best and that of TETA AEPZ is the worst. On the basis of packed column experiment, using 25% DETA 5% PZ as the main absorbent, the experiment of CO2 absorption in rotating packed bed was carried out, and the rotor speed, PZ concentration, liquid flow rate and gas residence time were investigated. Effects of inlet CO2 concentration and temperature on CO2 removal rate and KCa. The results show that rotor speed, liquid flow rate, gas residence time and temperature have great influence on CO2 removal rate and KGa, but the influence of PZ concentration and inlet CO2 concentration is relatively low. The optimum operating conditions are as follows: rotor speed is 1000-1200 rpm, liquid flow rate is 11L h-1PZ concentration 5% and temperature is 40-50 鈩,