[Abstract]:With the improvement of drinking water standards and the increasing public attention to water quality, the lack or lag of relevant management methods affects the objective and scientific evaluation of drinking water quality more and more. The evaluation of drinking water quality in other countries in the world includes not only the analysis of water quality data, but also the management requirements of information disclosure, customer recognition, emergency disposal and so on. The evaluation of drinking water quality in our country is generally limited to judging the quality of drinking water according to the standard limit value and calculating the qualified rate of water quality. At present, there is still a lack of a complete and unified method of analysis and evaluation. It brings the uncomparability of water quality evaluation and so on. Based on the objective of health, the technical evaluation of water quality data should give priority to microorganism or toxic and harmful chemicals in order to subdivide the difference of water quality. This paper puts forward two kinds of multi-factor evaluation methods, that is, the superposition index of parameter grading and the superposition index of relative quality of parameters, which can distinguish different kinds of water quality indexes according to the degree of influence on health, and give different weight coefficients to different kinds of water quality indexes. A comprehensive index is added to evaluate the water quality. In the case of 100% qualified rate, the difference of water quality among water plants can still be subdivided and compared by using the superimposed index of relative mass of parameters.
【作者单位】: 北京市自来水集团有限责任公司;
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