[Abstract]:Through long-term production and use, persistent organic pollutants (pops) have been widespread in all kinds of environmental media and accumulated continuously through the food chain, which poses a major threat to environmental security and human health. Soil and sediment belong to porous medium and are rich in many kinds of soil organic matter. Because persistent organic pollutants have strong hydrophobicity, soil and sediment are the most important storage source and re-release source. Two typical persistent organic pollutants (pops), 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 5 PBDEs were selected by molecular simulation to establish four pore sizes (2.0 nm,2.5 nm,3.0 nm,). The molecular behavior of pollutants in quartz sand nanoporous pore was studied, the energy and mean square displacement parameters were calculated, and the physical aging process of soil was simulated by pore size change. 3. 5 nm) was used to study the molecular behavior of pollutants in quartz sand nanoporous pore and to calculate the energy and mean square displacement. In the adsorption system of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the energy of the system increases with the increase of pore size. When the pore size increases from 2.0nm to 3.5nm, the potential energy and non-bond energy of the simulated system are increased by 28.5% and 25.4%, respectively. When the pore size is reduced from 3.5nm to 2.0nm, the intrapore free volume fraction decreases from 49% to 4%. Van der Waals force is the main adsorption force between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and quartz sand nano-pores, and the contribution of Coulomb electrostatic force to the overall adsorption is less than 30%. The molecular diffusion properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are severely constrained by the reduction of pore size. The average azimuth shift of PAHs in 2.0nm pore is not more than 125 渭 m, while the average azimuth shift in 2.5nm is up to 700? Multivariate analysis shows that the adsorption and diffusion of PAHs in nano-pores are the result of interaction of many factors. Through the extraction simulation of n-hexane and cyclodextrin in the extraction system of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), it can be seen that the aging of soil will increase the difficulty of extraction. In the adsorption system of PBDEs, the reduction of pore size also reduced the total potential energy and non-bond energy of the system, which made the system more stable. However, the adsorption energy between PBDEs and quartz sand increases with the decrease of pore size, and the adsorption energy is dominated by van der Waals force, accounting for 84.0% of the adsorption energy of the system. The addition of LHA and SRFA in soil organic matter reduced the total potential energy and non-bond energy of the system and the adsorption energy between PBDEs and quartz sand. Although the adsorption of PBDEs on the inner surface of quartz sand is beneficial to the migration of PBDEs, the diffusion of PBDEs in nano-pores is inhibited due to the dominant adsorption between soil organic matter and PBDEs. As a result, the average azimuth shift of PBDEs is lower than that of PBDEs. In the distribution system of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs), the distribution energy and partition coefficient in macropores of 3.5nm can be fitted to a linear relationship.
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