发布时间:2019-04-09 16:38
【摘要】:通过碳热还原强化酸浸的方法高效去除CRT锥玻璃中的重金属铅,同时将脱铅残渣转变为玻璃微珠产品。实验考察了还原温度、碳粉加入量和保温时间对锥玻璃中铅浸出效果的影响。研究结果表明,经碳热还原预处理后锥玻璃中的氧化铅转变为单质铅并主要富集在玻璃微珠表面,通过酸浸处理可高效回收锥玻璃中的铅。当锥玻璃与10%碳粉混合均匀,在1 200℃条件下处理30 min,锥玻璃中铅的浸出效率可达94.80%,脱铅残渣为粒径范围1~15μm的玻璃微珠。
[Abstract]:The heavy metal lead in CRT cone glass was effectively removed by means of carbonthermal reduction and acid leaching, and the lead removal residue was transformed into glass bead product at the same time. The effects of reduction temperature, carbon powder addition and holding time on the leaching effect of lead in cone glass were investigated. The results showed that lead oxide in cone glass was transformed into lead and enriched mainly on the surface of glass beads after carbothermal reduction pretreatment. The lead in cone glass could be recovered efficiently by acid leaching treatment. When the cone glass and 10% carbon powder are mixed uniformly, the leaching efficiency of lead in 30 min, cone glass can reach 94.80% at 1200 鈩,
[Abstract]:The heavy metal lead in CRT cone glass was effectively removed by means of carbonthermal reduction and acid leaching, and the lead removal residue was transformed into glass bead product at the same time. The effects of reduction temperature, carbon powder addition and holding time on the leaching effect of lead in cone glass were investigated. The results showed that lead oxide in cone glass was transformed into lead and enriched mainly on the surface of glass beads after carbothermal reduction pretreatment. The lead in cone glass could be recovered efficiently by acid leaching treatment. When the cone glass and 10% carbon powder are mixed uniformly, the leaching efficiency of lead in 30 min, cone glass can reach 94.80% at 1200 鈩,