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发布时间:2019-04-26 18:22
[Abstract]:At present, the mineral cotton fibreboard with phenolic resin as binder will release formaldehyde, free action and other small molecules in the process of use, resulting in serious environmental pollution, and will also affect human health. Mineral cotton fibreboard will absorb moisture in the environment after a period of time, on the one hand, it will increase the bulk density of fibreboard, on the other hand, the thermal conductivity, sound insulation and mechanical properties of the fibreboard will decrease after absorbing moisture. Therefore, exploring a new environmental protection binder and solving the hygroscopic performance of fiberboard is another urgent task in the production of fiberboard. The average diameter of slag cotton fiber is 3.8 ~ 4.8 渭 m, and the average content of slag ball is 0.57% ~ 2.06%, using molten blast furnace slag as raw material. By adding polyvinyl alcohol silica sol adhesive system and polyvinyl alcohol glutaraldehyde bond system, the performance of insulation board was compared with that of phenolic resin binder system, and according to the weight and moisture absorption rate of the heat preservation plate, the thermal insulation board was prepared by adding polyvinyl alcohol silica sol bonding system and polyvinyl alcohol glutaraldehyde bond system respectively. The results of acid-alkali corrosion test were used to mix the binder of insulation plate, and finally the best thermal insulation plate was obtained. The results show that the PVA- silica sol system acts best on the bulk density and moisture absorption rate of the slag cotton and meets the requirements of the national standard. The bulk weight of fiberboard made from polyvinyl alcohol glutaraldehyde binder system 1.20 acidity slag cotton is 128.19 kg / m3, which is closest to that of phenolic resin insulation product, and the moisture absorption rate of 1.15 slag cotton is the lowest. The moisture absorption rate of PVA- silane-silica sol system and PVA-GA- silane system was 0.29% and 0.19% respectively after adding silane repellent agent, which was better than that of phenolic resin fiber products used in factory production line. The surface morphology of acid-alkali corrosion resistance of the product was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The formation mechanism of corrosion and the surface composition before and after corrosion were analyzed by XRD. It is concluded that the alkali resistance of the insulation plate is stronger, especially the polyvinyl alcohol glutaraldehyde binder system will not be affected by acid-base corrosion for a long time.


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