发布时间:2021-12-18 15:51
溶解有机质(Dissolved Organic Matter,DOM)在自然水体中普遍存在,对自然环境系统运行和水环境演变起到重要作用。溶解性有机质包括腐殖质、蛋白质等大分子物质以及小分子的氨基酸,碳水化合物,糖类等物质的复杂有机混合物。它是异养型微生物重要的能量和营养来源,是各种养分(C、N、P和S)循环的关键环节,也是环境污染物的重要络合剂或吸附剂。溶解有机质中富含-COOH、-OH、-NH2以及-C=O等官能团,可以与重金属离子发生配位、络合反应,影响重金属的溶解性和生物有效性,从而影响重金属的生物可利用性、毒性、迀移转化和归趋。然而,不同来源、不同结构组成、不同分子量的DOM对重金属的环境行为的影响有着显著差异,而这方面的研究还需要深入。近年来,人类活动极大地改变了水体DOM的来源、动态、结构和组成特性。其中,筑坝是最显著和最广泛的人为扰动事件。随着经济和社会发展的需要,兴建各型水库已成为缓解全球日益短缺的淡水资源供需矛盾的重要途径。虽然河流筑坝对社会经济发展具有重要支撑作用,但是河流筑坝拦截改变天然河流原有的自然属性和内部的作用过程,为营养元素的输送产生...
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:99 页
Chapter 1 General introduction
1.1 Research progress of DOM on river-reservoir system
1.2 Effects of DOM on the transportation behavior of heavy metals
1.2.1 Definition of dissolved organic matter
1.2.2 The origin of DOM in aquatic system
1.2.3 Interaction between DOM and heavy metals
1.3 The interaction between DOM and heavy metals studied by modern opticalspectroscopy
1.3.1 UV-Visible Spectroscopy
1.3.2 Application of three-dimensional fluorescence (excitation emissionmatrix, EEM) Spectroscopy along with PARAFAC modelling
1.3.3 Infrared spectra analysis
1.4 The background, goals and significance of this research
1.4.1 The background of this research
1.4.2 Goals of this study and its significance
Chapter 2 Characteristic Changes in the Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in theYuqiao Reservoir system: Evidences from Optical and ChemicalSpectroscopic Studies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Study area
2.2.1 The general introduction of Yuqiao Reservoir
2.2.2 The climate
2.2.3 Water system conditions
2.2.4 Economic situation
2.2.5 Pollution
2.3 Field Sampling sites
2.4 Materials and methods
2.4.1 Sample collection and preparation
2.4.2 Analytical Procedures
2.5 Result and Discussion
2.5.1 Variation in pH, EC, DOC,TDN and major cations in the surface waterin the Yuqiao watershed
2.5.2 Changes in fluorescence spectra of samples Changes in the fluorescent components among incoming rivers,lake water and outgoing river in combination with PARAFACanalysis Changes in the fluorescence intensities of individual fluorescentcomponent and its percentage among incoming rivers, lake andoutgoing rivers
2.5.3 Differences in absorption characteristics of CDOM in different sites
2.5.4 Characteristic variations of functional groups on surface water DOMamong different sites using FTIR
2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Dissolved Organic Matter-Copper Complexion Behavior and Characteristicsof Incoming Rivers,Lake and Outgoing Waters in the Yuqiao Basin
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.2.1 Sample collection and preparation
3.2.2 Analytical Procedures
3.2.3 Complexation modeling
3.3 Result and Discussion
3.3.1 Fluorescent components identifie d by using EEM-PARAFACmodelling
3.3.2 Interaction between PARAFAC-derived fluorescent components andCu(Ⅱ)
3.3.3 Binding efficiency of Cu(Ⅱ) with fluorescent components identifiedusing EEM-PARAFAC modelling
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4. General Conclusion
[1]Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic analysis on the interaction between humic acids and aluminum coagulant[J]. Pengkang Jin,Jina Song,Xiaochang C.Wang,Xin Jin. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2018(02)
[2]地表流域有机碳地球化学研究进展[J]. 周苗,李思亮,丁虎,覃蔡清,岳甫均. 生态学杂志. 2018(01)
[3]于桥水库溶解性有机碳分布特征及三卤甲烷的生成势[J]. 牛志广,魏晓婷,张颖. 环境工程学报. 2016(01)
[4]乌江梯级水库碳氮耦合的生物地球化学循环[J]. 王宝利,刘丛强,汪福顺,刘小龙,彭希,赵颜创. 上海大学学报(自然科学版). 2015(03)
[5]Two-dimension fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to characterize the binding of organic ligands with zinc in eutrophic lake[J]. Xin Liu,Hua Lv,Hua-Cheng Xu. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2015(02)
[6]运用三维荧光光谱解析高温厌氧产氢反应过程对温度变化的响应[J]. 李卫华,盛国平,陆锐,俞汉青,汤利华,黄显怀. 环境科学学报. 2012(01)
[7]乌江中上游水库—河流体系夏秋季N、Si分布特征[J]. 张翅鹏,刘丛强,吴攀,汪福顺,王宝利. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[8]大坝拦截对河流水溶解组分化学组成的影响分析——以夏季乌江渡水库为例[J]. 韩志伟,刘丛强,吴攀,汪福顺,王宝利,李思亮,灌瑾. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[9]河流筑坝拦截的水环境响应——来自地球化学的视角[J]. 刘丛强,汪福顺,王雨春,王宝利. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[10]猫跳河流域梯级水库磷的夏季变化特征[J]. 黎慧卉,刘丛强,汪福顺,吴攀,王宝利,张翅鹏. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[1]水环境中的溶解有机质及其与金属离子的相互作用——荧光光谱学研究[D]. 傅平青.中国科学院研究生院(地球化学研究所) 2004
[1]金盆水库溶解性有机质时空特征变化规律研究[D]. 朱倩.西安建筑科技大学 2017
[2]于桥水库典型消毒副产物及其前体物研究[D]. 魏晓婷.天津大学 2014
[3]垃圾渗滤液中溶解性有机质与重金属相互作用行为特征研究[D]. 夏伟霞.湖南师范大学 2014
[4]河流梯级拦截及其浮游植物演化的碳同位素示踪[D]. 李干蓉.贵州师范大学 2009
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:99 页
Chapter 1 General introduction
1.1 Research progress of DOM on river-reservoir system
1.2 Effects of DOM on the transportation behavior of heavy metals
1.2.1 Definition of dissolved organic matter
1.2.2 The origin of DOM in aquatic system
1.2.3 Interaction between DOM and heavy metals
1.3 The interaction between DOM and heavy metals studied by modern opticalspectroscopy
1.3.1 UV-Visible Spectroscopy
1.3.2 Application of three-dimensional fluorescence (excitation emissionmatrix, EEM) Spectroscopy along with PARAFAC modelling
1.3.3 Infrared spectra analysis
1.4 The background, goals and significance of this research
1.4.1 The background of this research
1.4.2 Goals of this study and its significance
Chapter 2 Characteristic Changes in the Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in theYuqiao Reservoir system: Evidences from Optical and ChemicalSpectroscopic Studies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Study area
2.2.1 The general introduction of Yuqiao Reservoir
2.2.2 The climate
2.2.3 Water system conditions
2.2.4 Economic situation
2.2.5 Pollution
2.3 Field Sampling sites
2.4 Materials and methods
2.4.1 Sample collection and preparation
2.4.2 Analytical Procedures
2.5 Result and Discussion
2.5.1 Variation in pH, EC, DOC,TDN and major cations in the surface waterin the Yuqiao watershed
2.5.2 Changes in fluorescence spectra of samples Changes in the fluorescent components among incoming rivers,lake water and outgoing river in combination with PARAFACanalysis Changes in the fluorescence intensities of individual fluorescentcomponent and its percentage among incoming rivers, lake andoutgoing rivers
2.5.3 Differences in absorption characteristics of CDOM in different sites
2.5.4 Characteristic variations of functional groups on surface water DOMamong different sites using FTIR
2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Dissolved Organic Matter-Copper Complexion Behavior and Characteristicsof Incoming Rivers,Lake and Outgoing Waters in the Yuqiao Basin
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and methods
3.2.1 Sample collection and preparation
3.2.2 Analytical Procedures
3.2.3 Complexation modeling
3.3 Result and Discussion
3.3.1 Fluorescent components identifie d by using EEM-PARAFACmodelling
3.3.2 Interaction between PARAFAC-derived fluorescent components andCu(Ⅱ)
3.3.3 Binding efficiency of Cu(Ⅱ) with fluorescent components identifiedusing EEM-PARAFAC modelling
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4. General Conclusion
[1]Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic analysis on the interaction between humic acids and aluminum coagulant[J]. Pengkang Jin,Jina Song,Xiaochang C.Wang,Xin Jin. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2018(02)
[2]地表流域有机碳地球化学研究进展[J]. 周苗,李思亮,丁虎,覃蔡清,岳甫均. 生态学杂志. 2018(01)
[3]于桥水库溶解性有机碳分布特征及三卤甲烷的生成势[J]. 牛志广,魏晓婷,张颖. 环境工程学报. 2016(01)
[4]乌江梯级水库碳氮耦合的生物地球化学循环[J]. 王宝利,刘丛强,汪福顺,刘小龙,彭希,赵颜创. 上海大学学报(自然科学版). 2015(03)
[5]Two-dimension fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to characterize the binding of organic ligands with zinc in eutrophic lake[J]. Xin Liu,Hua Lv,Hua-Cheng Xu. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2015(02)
[6]运用三维荧光光谱解析高温厌氧产氢反应过程对温度变化的响应[J]. 李卫华,盛国平,陆锐,俞汉青,汤利华,黄显怀. 环境科学学报. 2012(01)
[7]乌江中上游水库—河流体系夏秋季N、Si分布特征[J]. 张翅鹏,刘丛强,吴攀,汪福顺,王宝利. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[8]大坝拦截对河流水溶解组分化学组成的影响分析——以夏季乌江渡水库为例[J]. 韩志伟,刘丛强,吴攀,汪福顺,王宝利,李思亮,灌瑾. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[9]河流筑坝拦截的水环境响应——来自地球化学的视角[J]. 刘丛强,汪福顺,王雨春,王宝利. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[10]猫跳河流域梯级水库磷的夏季变化特征[J]. 黎慧卉,刘丛强,汪福顺,吴攀,王宝利,张翅鹏. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009(04)
[1]水环境中的溶解有机质及其与金属离子的相互作用——荧光光谱学研究[D]. 傅平青.中国科学院研究生院(地球化学研究所) 2004
[1]金盆水库溶解性有机质时空特征变化规律研究[D]. 朱倩.西安建筑科技大学 2017
[2]于桥水库典型消毒副产物及其前体物研究[D]. 魏晓婷.天津大学 2014
[3]垃圾渗滤液中溶解性有机质与重金属相互作用行为特征研究[D]. 夏伟霞.湖南师范大学 2014
[4]河流梯级拦截及其浮游植物演化的碳同位素示踪[D]. 李干蓉.贵州师范大学 2009