[Abstract]:Active oxygen is common in nature and living organisms. It is a stealth killer that causes diseases and senescence in life bodies. In order to better understand the role of active oxygen in physiological and pathological processes, selective determination of reactive oxygen species is particularly important. In addition, its life is only 10 ms. in addition, and the reactive oxygen species may also be cascaded and the chemical behavior is complex. Therefore, the selective determination of active oxygen in the biological system is difficult. At present, the most rapid development is the fluorescence analysis method, mainly based on the change of fluorescence signal after the fluorophore oxidation reaction. It is difficult to recognize and react to a certain kind of reactive oxygen species when the oxidation of active oxygen is small. Compared with the fluorescence analysis method, the most significant advantage of the chemiluminescence analysis method is that the light source is not needed, thus the background interference can be avoided effectively. Based on the Chemiluminescence Behavior of the peroxisate system, a new type of chemical luminescence is developed. In this paper, the high selectivity and high sensitive determination of peroxy nitrite in living cells is achieved by static injection chemiluminescence analysis. In addition, a high stable fluorescent gold quantum dot for active oxygen is designed and synthesized, which is expected to solve the nano hair. The optical probe is easily destroyed by reactive oxygen oxidation and leads to the quenching of luminescence. The problem of sensitivity reduction is of guiding significance to the construction of a specific reactive oxygen luminescence probe. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) a new nano catalyst, montmorillonite, was developed to sensitize the ultra weak chemiluminescence of nitrite. The effect of Montmorillonite Nanoparticles on the chemiluminescence of peroxy nitrite system was investigated by mixing rice particles in water medium. The results showed that the montmorillonite nanoplates could significantly enhance the chemiluminescence of the peroxy nitrite system. The montmorillonite nanostructures were tested by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The morphology of the tablets was characterized, and the reaction intermediates and luminescent bodies were confirmed by the active oxygen capture agent, electron spin resonance and chemiluminescence spectrum. The mechanism of sensitizing chemiluminescence of montmorillonite nanoscale was speculated. Under alkaline conditions, the iron species in the montmorillonite nanostructure can catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and produce hydroxyl free radicals. Based on the reaction of the peroxy nitrite to produce a single state oxygen, a strong chemiluminescence is produced when it returns to the three line state. (2) a chemiluminescence probe for selective determination of peroxy nitrite is constructed based on the Direct Chemiluminescence Behavior of the semiconductor quantum dots induced by reactive oxygen species. The solution produces both the oxidation free radical hydroxyl radical and the reductive free radical superoxide anion radical. The hydroxyl radical can have the ability to inject holes into the quantum dots, and the superoxide anion has the ability to inject electrons into the quantum dots. Finally, the chemiluminescence is produced by the electron transfer annihilation mechanism. In a series of reactive oxygen species, the superoxide anion can produce chemiluminescence. The probe is good selectivity for peroxy nitrite. The determination of peroxy nitrite with this probe is 0.46 ~ 46 mu M and the detection limit is 0.11 mu M (S/N=3). The practicability of the probe is examined by measuring the exogenous peroxy nitrite in living cells. The results are in agreement with the theoretical value. (3) based on the carbon point. A highly sensitive peroxy nitrite chemiluminescence probe was constructed by the surface state luminescence mechanism. The surface state luminescence of the carbon point was regulated by changing the proportion of citric acid and urea by microwave method. The surface functionalities of the carbon point were characterized by Fu Liye transform infrared spectroscopy and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The study shows that the surface state luminescence of the carbon point is mainly derived from the C-O group on the surface. With the increase of C-O content, the chemiluminescence response of the peroxisome is gradually enhanced. The response mechanism of the carbon point to the peroxy nitrite is evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, and the peroxy nitrite is determined by the probe. The linear range of salt is 0.01 ~ 3 M and the detection limit is 5 nM (S/N=3). The probe shows good biocompatibility and low toxicity. It has been successfully applied to the determination of exogenous and endogenous peroxises in living cells. The use of the chemiluminescence probe for the determination of peroxy nitrite in living cells is simple, selective and highly sensitive. (4) a stable red fluorescent quantum dot was designed and synthesized by changing the structure of the surface ligand, and used as a fluorescent marker for high active oxygen and long time cell labeling imaging. The blue fluorescent gold quantum dots with the ligand of bovine serum protein were coupled with the red fluorescent quantum dot of the two hydrogen sulfide octanoic acid as the ligand of the two imide coupling. Together, the new gold quantum dots are formed. On the one hand, the red fluorescence of the gold quantum dots is enhanced by the fluorescence resonance energy transfer. On the other hand, the covalent connection between the bovine serum protein and the two hydrogen lipoic acid effectively reduces the spiral structure in the bovine serum protein molecules and forms a stable protective layer on the surface of the gold nucleus, allowing the gold quantum to be made. This strategy can be used to regulate the oxidation resistance of gold quantum dots to construct stable and specific ROS luminescent probes.
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