[Abstract]:Cancer is already one of the major threats to human health. More and more people have been killed because cancer is difficult to cure. Conventional treatments for cancer include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Although regular radiotherapy and chemotherapy can kill cancer cells to a large extent, they can also have significant side effects on normal cells. Therefore, how to improve the tumor targeting of drugs and control release while reducing the damage to normal tissue has become the focus of attention. Bioresponsive nanoparticles have been used in disease diagnosis and treatment. Among these biological responses, acid response is the most widely studied. Based on this property of partial acidity of tumor site, we have carried out two parts of research work. In the first part, we designed a three-arm polymer which was synthesized by multi-step reaction. The polymer consists of three parts: hydrophobic segment PEG, acid-responsive segment and a hydrophobic core. Due to the special structure and the presence of acid responsive monomer C7A, The micelles we prepared have the following characteristics: the size of micelles will increase from 95 nm to 157 nm, and the Zeta potential will change from neutral to positive (0 MV to 20 mV).) when pH changes from neutral to acidic in the environment. In the microenvironment of the tumor, cancer cells have a "inverted" pH gradient and lower extracellular pH (pHe=6.5-6.9). It is precisely these special properties that we have prepared micelles that increase cellular uptake and increase the concentration of drugs in tumors. In the second part, we introduce a polypeptide GFLG, which is cathepsin B responsive and breaks under acidic conditions, by chemical modification of natural polymer chitosan. VE-PTX was used as prodrug and loaded into chitosan by physical entrapment. The HA of tumor CD44 receptor was attached to the surface of the nanoparticles by electrostatic adsorption to improve the targeting performance. A series of cell-level experiments have shown that the introduction of HA can improve the targeting of nanoparticles. The nanoparticles also play an important role in promoting drug release and overcoming multidrug resistance.
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