1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.1.1 Main Goal of the Research
1.1.2 The Cause of the Accident
1.2 Description of the BTA
1.2.1 Applications of the BTA
1.2.2 Literature review of the BTA thermal stability
1.3 Thermal stability evaluation
1.4 Research topic and strategy
2 Thermal Analysis
2.1 Theoretical background of thermal analysis
2.1.1 Concepts of thermal analysis and calorimetry
2.1.2 Classification of the Calorimeters
2.2 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
2.2.1 DSC principles
2.2.2 The advantages of using DSC
2.3 Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC)
2.3.1 ARC principles
2.3.2 The advantages of using ARC
2.4 Rapid Screening Calorimeter (RSC)
2.4.1 RSC principles
2.4.2 The advantages of using RSC
3 Thermal Behavior and Effect of Impurities
3.1 DSC analysis of BTA and Mixture
3.1.1 Experiments
3.1.2 DSC results of the pure chemicals
3.1.3 DSC results of BTA with mixture of impurities
3.1.4 Conclusions from the DSC results
3.2 RSC analysis of BTA and mixture
3.2.1 Experiments
3.2.2 RSC results of the BTA-pure
3.2.3 RSC results of BTA with mixture of impurities
3.2.4 Conclusions from the RSC results
3.3 ARC analysis of BTA and mixture
3.3.1 Experiments
3.3.2 ARC results of the BTA-pure
3.3.3 ARC results of BTA with mixture of impurities
3.3.4 Gas production calculation
3.3.5 Conclusions from the ARC results
3.4 Chapter summary
4 Kinetic and thermal hazard parameters calculation
4.1 Kinetic calculations of BTA and mixture
4.1.1 Calculations by Kissenger method
4.1.2 Calculations by Friedman method
4.2 Thermal hazard parameter predictions of BTA and mixture
4.2.1 Predictions of TMR by DSC
4.2.2 Predictions of TMR by ARC
4.2.3 Adiabatic thermokinetic analysis
4.3 Chapter summary
5 Conclusion and outlook
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Outlook
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