本文关键词: 绿色建筑 建筑节能 墙体材料 墙体性能 经济效益 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Under the situation of the renewable utilization of resources and the continuous development of green buildings advocated by the government, in order to adapt to the development trend of building energy saving in our country and to meet the continuous improvement of people's requirements for the comfort of residential buildings, this paper studies a new type of wall material. The physical performance index and economic benefit of the wall are analyzed and studied. The new desulfurization gypsum block is based on the waste desulfurization gypsum of power plant, and the desulfurized gypsum and cement are used as raw materials. Fly ash and polystyrene particles are stirred in accordance with a certain mix ratio, adding a new type of admixture, which is molded by mould. In this paper, the thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance of the new desulfurized gypsum block wall are studied by means of theoretical analysis and experimental study. Through the comprehensive analysis of the economic benefits of desulfurized gypsum block wall, the production cost of the block is studied. The construction cost of the wall and the economic benefit of the wall in the process of use. Through the research and analysis of the performance and economic benefit of the new desulfurized gypsum block wall, This paper mainly explores and studies the green energy saving wall material desulfurization gypsum block wall wall from the following several aspects. Problems in the development of colored wall materials, The market demand for wall materials and the development of green wall materials at home and abroad are analyzed. This paper discusses the necessity and significance of studying various performance indexes of desulphurized gypsum block wall. (2) the sound insulation performance of desulfurized gypsum block wall with green energy saving wall material is studied. The sound insulation performance of wall is studied theoretically by using the law of quality. Through laboratory tests, the sound insulation performance of the wall is experimentally studied, and the two aspects of the research are compared. Accurate analysis of the sound insulation performance of desulphurized gypsum block wall. The fire resistance of wall is related to the safety of buildings and people's property. This paper mainly through the burning of desulphurization gypsum block. Burning performance test and fire resistance test of desulphurized gypsum block wall, The thermal properties of the wall are studied from two aspects: the thermal insulation of the wall and the thermal insulation of the wall. The thermal resistance of the desulfurized gypsum block is determined by the measurement of the thermal resistance of the wall. The thermal resistance of desulfurized gypsum block wall is studied, and the heat transfer coefficient of the wall is further studied. The thermal insulation performance of the wall is mainly analyzed by the thermal inert index of the wall, and the economic benefit of the desulfurized gypsum block wall is analyzed. The economic benefit of the wall is mainly analyzed by dividing the heat inert index of the wall. Analysis of the cost of block production, The cost of building the wall and the cost and benefit of the use of the wall, This paper studies the advantages of desulphurization gypsum block wall in economic performance. Taking the application of new desulfurized gypsum block wall in the renovation project of Huaqing 路window of the World Creative Industry Park as an example, This paper analyzes the application of the new desulfurized gypsum block wall in the building and the economic benefits brought by the good performance and good performance of the wall material.
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