本文选题:第一性原理 + 储氢 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of industry and the increasing demand for energy, traditional energy is also faced with problems such as exhaustion. From the perspective of sustainable development, people urgently need to develop a new renewable clean energy to replace traditional energy. Hydrogen energy, as a kind of renewable energy with abundant sources and no pollution, has received extensive attention and research. Hydrogen energy is first used in hydrogen storage, which is the bottleneck of hydrogen energy development and utilization. Traditional hydrogen storage technology not only has high cost and low safety performance, but also can not meet the actual demand. In recent years, nanomaterials have been considered as potential hydrogen storage materials because of their unique nanometer size effect and properties. This paper mainly discusses the hydrogen storage of fullerene after adsorption of transition metal. The main contents are as follows: 1) adsorption of transition metals by fullerene. We have studied the possible adsorption sites of a single metal Y atom on the surface of boron fullerene (B80), including the positive surface of the boron ring and the positive top of the B-B bond. The calculated results show that the Y atom is more stable to adsorb on the straight top of the boron quaternary ring. At the same time, the possible adsorption sites of transition metal SC on the surface of C70 fullerenes were studied by using carbon fullerenes (C70) as the adsorption substrate. By comparing the adsorption site, adsorption energy, bond length and other parameters, the most stable adsorption sites were selected, and the effect of transition metal adsorption on the hydrogen storage of fullerenes was established for the subsequent hydrogen adsorption. The hydrogen storage properties of nanomaterials adsorbed on a single transition metal were simulated by using density functional theory. The results showed that the hydrogen storage performance of fullerenes was greatly improved after adsorption of metal atoms. In BsoY system, up to six hydrogen molecules can be adsorbed by each Y atom, with an average adsorption energy of -0.55 EV. This energy value is very favorable for the adsorption and desorption of hydrogen molecules at room temperature. When Y atoms are adsorbed on all five-member rings on the surface of B8o fullerene, the hydrogen storage rate of the system can reach 6.85 wt. Compared with the adsorption of Bso fullerenes, metal atoms can adsorb up to four hydrogen molecules in C _ (70) S _ (c) system. When the possible adsorption sites on the surface of C _ (70) fullerene are all adsorbed on metal SC atoms, The theoretical hydrogen storage rate of the system can reach 6.50 wts. but the simulation results show that some hydrogen molecules are dissociated outside the system without bonding with metal atoms. The reasons for the increase of hydrogen storage rate after modification of transition metal were investigated and the differential charge density and projected state density of the corresponding system were analyzed. Through comparison and analysis, it can be seen that transition metals play a "bridge" role in the hydrogen adsorption process, that is, after the hydrogen molecules are adsorbed, the electrons in the bonding orbitals are first transferred to the d orbitals of the metals. Filled d orbitals will in turn feed some electrons back to the antibonding orbitals of hydrogen molecules, known as "Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson". At this point, the polarized electric field formed by metal atoms during electron transfer also promotes the adsorption of hydrogen molecules.
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