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发布时间:2018-05-24 15:09

  本文选题:氨气 + 管道泄漏 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Ammonia gas is an important inorganic chemical product which is widely used. When ammonia gas leaks, personnel poisoning, combustion explosion, environmental pollution, secondary accidents and other hazards. Aiming at the hidden danger of ammonia pipeline leakage in chemical process, frozen storage and other industries, the leakage and diffusion process of ammonia gas in limited space is studied by combining experimental research with numerical simulation. Combined with the working environment of ammonia pipeline, the experimental platform of ammonia leakage and diffusion was set up, and the leakage and diffusion experiment of ammonia pipeline was carried out. On this basis, the calculation model of ammonia leakage and diffusion in finite space is established by using Gambit and Fluent software. The numerical calculation of the leakage process of ammonia pipeline is carried out, and the leakage pressure, direction and diameter of leakage are simulated. Leakage location and other factors affect the diffusion process of ammonia pipeline leakage. The distribution and diffusion law of ammonia concentration under different leakage conditions are discussed. The relationship between the distance from point to source and the change rate of ammonia concentration in certain angle range of leakage direction is summarized. It provides the basis for the reasonable arrangement of ammonia detector in the design of safety alarm system. By studying the process of ammonia leakage and diffusion in a limited space, the following results are obtained: 1) in a finite space, the direction and location of ammonia leakage are the main factors affecting the distribution of ammonia gas in the space) in the vertical direction of ammonia leakage. In the process of leakage diffusion, the variation of ammonia concentration has linear growth, fluctuation and steady growth, and three stages, I. e., the leakage pressure and the leakage aperture have a great influence on the concentration gradient. Under certain leakage conditions, the variation of ammonia concentration has been obtained under certain leakage conditions. The relationship between the distance from the point to the leakage source and the rate of change of ammonia concentration in the specific range of the leakage direction and the calculation formula provide a basic method to determine the location of the leakage source quickly. In this paper, experimental study and numerical simulation on the leakage and diffusion process of small holes in a limited space ammonia pipeline have been carried out, and the safety emergency measures after the leakage accident have been provided by using the results of the study. In the future research work, we should strengthen the study of indoor heavy gas and liquid leakage and diffusion, so as to perfect the research on the general rules of indoor pipeline leakage and diffusion.


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