发布时间:2018-07-05 06:44
本文选题:玉米秸秆 + 炭材料 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国农业的不断发展,大量的玉米秸秆废弃物如何处置成为人们关注的焦点。近些年由于传统的焚烧掩埋等处置方式的局限性越发突出,所以人们多方面寻求秸秆的其它处置途径。将玉米秸秆制成炭材料并用于H_2S等臭气的脱除就是一种新型环保的方法,该方法即实现了秸秆的资源化利用,也达到了以废治废的目的。本文以玉米秸秆为原料,采用化学活化法制备了秸秆炭材料,通过单因素实验优化出秸秆炭的最佳制备条件,并对其吸附H_2S性能进行了测试。结果表明,分别以玉米秸秆皮、芯和皮芯混合物为原料制备的炭材料对H_2S吸附性能无明显差异。当活化温度为350℃,料液比1:2,活化时间为70 min时,皮芯混合物制备的秸秆炭对H_2S吸附时间可达80 min;结构分析显示加入活化剂后对秸秆炭表面官能团的组成无明显改变,但使秸秆炭比表面积大幅增加,微孔在H_2S吸附过程中起主要作用;H_2S被吸附后主要以单质硫和亚硫酸盐形式存在,与活性炭的溶解吸附机理相吻合,秸秆炭表面含氧官能团的存在影响H_2S的催化氧化,其中醚基官能团(C-O)起到主要作用。为了进一步提高秸秆炭的脱硫活性,对秸秆炭分别采用沉淀法和浸渍法负载铜改性。分析表明,沉淀法中脱硫效果最优的是载铜量为25%、焙烧温度为300℃时制得的样品,H_2S吸附时间长达230 min;浸渍法中载铜量为15%、焙烧温度为300℃时,改性秸秆炭的吸附效果达到最优,H_2S吸附时间可达130 min。表征结果显示两种方法中改性剂在低温条件下均有CuO生成,在高温条件下,CuO会发生还原反应生成Cu2O和单质Cu。为了使秸秆炭更具实用价值,将其加入CMC粘结剂进行成型研究。结果表明,在成型压力为20 MPa、成型温度为250℃、CMC添加量为20%时样品脱硫效果最佳,吸附时间可达50 min,成型强度可达29 N·cm-2。成型后样品中孔结构基本保持不变,秸秆炭表面的官能团无明显改变,可以进行工业化生产应用。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of agriculture in China, how to dispose a large amount of corn straw waste has become the focus of attention. In recent years, because of the limitation of traditional disposal methods such as incineration and burial, people seek other disposal ways of straw. It is a new environmental protection method to make corn straw into carbon material and be used to remove the stink such as H _ 2S. This method not only realizes the utilization of straw, but also achieves the purpose of treating waste by waste. In this paper, straw carbon was prepared from corn straw by chemical activation method. The optimum preparation conditions of straw carbon were optimized by single factor experiment, and the properties of adsorbing H2S in straw carbon were tested. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the adsorption properties of H2S between carbon materials prepared from corn straw husk, core and skin core. When the activation temperature was 350 鈩,