发布时间:2018-07-17 20:15
【摘要】:我国是世界上第一制革大国,每年产生大量的制革废弃物,特别是含铬革屑,如不对其进行处理,将造成严重的环境污染。本文利用含铬革屑为原料,将其水解脱铬后与其它表面活性剂和助剂进行复配,得到三种蛋白质型发泡剂,测试了这三种发泡剂的发泡和稳泡性能,并将其应用在水泥中制得泡沫混凝土,符合建材行业的使用标准。具体细节如下:首先,对制革废弃物进行理化性能分析;利用氧化钙对含铬革屑进行水解,以初始起泡高度和半衰期为评价指标,通过水平及正交实验确定最佳水解条件为:水解时间10h、固液比1:8、CaO用量10%、水解温度为80℃,初始起泡高度为64 mm,半衰期为12 min,泡沫性能优良,通过乌氏粘度法测得蛋白质水解液分子量为132 kDa。其次,通过起泡性能复配,以初始起泡高度为评价指标,确定发泡剂的起泡助剂为6%AES(十二烷基醇醚硫酸钠)和6%SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠),其初始起泡高度最大为192mm。通过稳泡性能复配,以半衰期为评价指标,确定发泡剂的三种配方,ZW-1为:6%AES、6%SDS、4%HEC(羟乙基纤维素)的水解液,其初始起泡高度为164 mm,半衰期为108.12 min;ZW-2为:6%AES、6%SDS、8%CMC(羧甲基纤维素)的水解液,其初始起泡高度为208 mm,半衰期为48.50 min;ZW-3为:6%AES、6%SDS、6%HPMC(羟丙基甲基纤维素)的水解液,其初始起泡高度为212 mm,半衰期为54.53 min;根据建材行业标准《JC/T2199-2013泡沫混凝土用泡沫剂》对三种自制发泡剂和市售发泡剂LH进行性能测定,自制水泥发泡剂各项性能均达到或优于行业标准,ZW-1和ZW-3为一等品、ZW-2和LH为合格品。最后,将自制的蛋白质型发泡剂运用到水泥中,制备两类泡沫混凝土。第一类泡沫混凝土强度等级为A7.5,密度等级为B10,配方为HSN引气减水剂15 g、膨润土10 g、ZW-1发泡剂100 mL、水用量300 mL;第二类泡沫混凝土密度等级为B06,强度等级为A1.0,配方为HSN引气减水剂10 g、膨润土30 g、ZW-1发泡剂150 mL、水用量300 mL。将水解残渣添加到混凝土浆料中,可以起到减水剂的作用,增大浆料的和易性,降低产品的绝干密度,制备更加优良的泡沫混凝土建材,密度等级最低为A07,吸水率等级最低为W40,抗压强度等级最高为C7.5。
[Abstract]:China is the first country in the world, which produces a large number of leather wastes, especially chrome shavings, which will cause serious environmental pollution if it is not treated. In this paper, three kinds of protein-type foaming agents were obtained by using chromium-containing leather shavings as raw materials, after removing chromium in water and mixed with other surfactants and auxiliaries. The foaming and foaming properties of these three foaming agents were tested. And it is used in cement to make foam concrete, which accords with the use standard of building materials industry. The details are as follows: firstly, the physicochemical properties of tannery waste are analyzed; the chromium-containing leather residue is hydrolyzed by calcium oxide, and the initial foaming height and half-life are taken as the evaluation index. The optimum hydrolysis conditions were determined by horizontal and orthogonal experiments: hydrolysis time 10 h, solid / liquid ratio 1: 8 Cao dosage 10, hydrolysis temperature 80 鈩,
[Abstract]:China is the first country in the world, which produces a large number of leather wastes, especially chrome shavings, which will cause serious environmental pollution if it is not treated. In this paper, three kinds of protein-type foaming agents were obtained by using chromium-containing leather shavings as raw materials, after removing chromium in water and mixed with other surfactants and auxiliaries. The foaming and foaming properties of these three foaming agents were tested. And it is used in cement to make foam concrete, which accords with the use standard of building materials industry. The details are as follows: firstly, the physicochemical properties of tannery waste are analyzed; the chromium-containing leather residue is hydrolyzed by calcium oxide, and the initial foaming height and half-life are taken as the evaluation index. The optimum hydrolysis conditions were determined by horizontal and orthogonal experiments: hydrolysis time 10 h, solid / liquid ratio 1: 8 Cao dosage 10, hydrolysis temperature 80 鈩,