[Abstract]:Petroleum sulfate is the main object of this research. It can make up for the shortcomings of polyacrylamide and so on in practice. It has high adaptability and good activity in work, and it is not easy to damage the relevant equipment of oil field in oil field exploitation. An environmentally friendly quality. Sulfate needs to be dried in the process of processing, which requires qualified pure air, which is also an important process. The air quality of this step is directly related to the quality of oil products, and it is an important step in the production process. In this paper, we mainly use Zhejiang Central Control JX-300XP control system to compile the corresponding PID control program. Through this program, we can control the air drying stage and monitor the fan, pump and other equipments in real time. At the same time also monitor the production process temperature., etc. In this process, the parameters of PID will be adjusted to meet the requirements of the control system to achieve more accurate monitoring. The drying tower and each valve can be monitored and managed in sequence by JX300XP system. The system also has the function of alarm. By obtaining the relevant interface to draw the curve of historical trend, it can meet the requirements of real-time monitoring.
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