[Abstract]:Pb-Ag alloy is widely used as anode in industrial zinc electrodeposition process, which has the advantages of low cost and Pb02 protective layer, but it has some disadvantages such as high oxygen evolution overpotential, easy bending deformation and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new oxygen evolution anode with better electrocatalytic activity and stability. Firstly, the thermodynamics analysis of Pb-Ag (0.3wt.%) anode electrodeposition MnO2 in Mn (CH3COO) 2 solution was carried out, and the effect of the concentration of, Mn (CH3COO 2 on the anodic properties of Pb-Ag was investigated. On this basis, MnO2 activated Pb-Ag anode was prepared, and the surface layer of Pb-Ag dipole activated by Mn02 was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X fluorescence analysis (XRF) et al. In addition, carbon nanotube reinforced lead based composite anode (Pb-CNTs anode) was prepared by powder metallurgy technology. The electrochemical properties and surface hardness of the anode were measured and compared with pure lead anode. The results show that the electrodeposition of Pb-Ag anode in Mn (CH3COO) 2 solution increases the concentration and potential of Mn (CH3COO) 2, increases the electrocatalytic activity of the anode and then decreases the surface hardness. At Mn (CH3COO) 2 concentration 0.05 mol/L, deposition potential 1.15V, the prepared MnO2 activated Pb-Ag anode has good electrocatalytic activity and electrochemical stability. The oxygen evolution overpotential is about 0.2 V lower than that of Pb-Ag anode (current density is 0.05A/cmm2), and the surface hardness is higher than that of Pb-Ag anode during the preparation of 65.9%.Pb-CNTs anode. The optimum preparation conditions of lead-carbon nanotube composite powder (Pb-CNTs powder) were determined as follows: ultrasonic power 120WN Pb (CH3COO) 2 0.005mol / L CH3COOH 2.1mol / L, reagent A 0.6mol / L. Gelatin concentration 2.0 g / L SDBS concentration 0.5 g / L, carbon nanotube content 0.5 g / L, dispersion 1 h, cathodic current density 0.30 A / cm 2, room temperature deposition 1 h; The oxygen evolution overpotential of Pb-CNTs anode is about 0.2 V (current density is 0.05A/cm2) lower than that of pure lead anode, and the surface hardness is 3.93 times higher than that of pure lead anode.
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