化 学 学 报
DOI: 10.6023/A13010139
张亚玲 杨斌 许亮鑫 张小勇 陶磊* 危岩*
(清华大学化学系 北京100084)
摘要 自愈性材料具有自我修复损伤的特点, 能够增加使用材料的安全性, 延长材料寿命, 是一种具有损伤管理性能的智能新材料. 基于动态化学的自愈性水凝胶是近来备受关注的一种自愈性材料, 由具有动态特性的交联网络构建形成. 交联作用为动态化学键, 即非共价键, 如弱相互作用的氢键、分子间作用力(范德华力)、配位作用、亲疏水作用等, 或可逆共价键, 如温和条件下可逆的亚胺键、双硫键、酰腙键等. 这种材料具有本征性的自愈性, 一方面可应对外界破坏造成的损伤, 进行自我修复. 另一方面动态化学键对多种环境刺激具有响应性, 能自我调节以适应环境变化, 为将自愈性水凝胶开发为自适性多功能智能新材料奠定了基础. 水凝胶具有优越的生物相容性以及和生物组织的相似性, 在生物医用材料中如药物控制释放、组织工程修复、生物仿生等领域发挥着越来越大的作用, 而开发具有自愈性的多功能智能水凝胶, 将进一步拓展其应用. 综述了近来基于动态化学的自愈性水凝胶的制备及其在生物医用材料领域中的应用研究.
关键词 自愈性; 自适性; 水凝胶; 动态化学; 智能软物质
Self-healing Hydrogels Based on Dynamic Chemistry and Their Bio-medical Applications
Zhang, Yaling Yang, Bin Xu, Liangxin Zhang, Xiaoyong Tao, Lei* Wei, Yen*
(Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084)
Abstract Self-healing materials are able to repair themselves automatically after external normal damages. This special property of self-healing materials could enhance the service life and ensure more safety while using such materials especially mechanically. Therefore, it has become a new emerging smart material which has the specialty to manage damages instead of traditional materials to avoid it. Self-healing hydrogels based on constitutional dynamic chemistry have received a lot of at-tentions recently with their intrinsic dynamic structures namely cross-linked polymer networks by dynamic bonds. Dynamic chemistry bonds contain both non-covalent bonds and reversible covalent bonds. Non-covalent bonds (weak effects) include hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, coordinative bonds, hydrophobic effects, etc. Reversible covalent bonds usually in-clude those chemistry bonds that could be reversible in mild conditions as imine bonds, disulfide bonds, acylhydrazone bonds and so on. Those hydrogels with dynamic cross-linked networks could not only manage external damages and repair them-selves as self-healing materials but also gain multi-responsive properties to environmental stimuli. The latter specialty comes from the adptive property of dynamic bonds to react to changes of reaction environments like pH, temperature and chemical reactants, thus building the foundation to develop self-healing hydrogels further into a multi-functional self-adaptive smart soft matter, which is of great significance for research to enrich multi-functional materials. Besides, hydrogel as a soft matter have long been vastly used in biomedical applications due to their superior biocompatibility and resemblance to biological tissues as mainly components (usually more than 70%) of hydrogel are water. They are playing a more and more important role in biomedical applications such as drug delivery systems, cell culture, tissue engineering and manmade biomimetic ma-terials. Developing multi-functional smart soft matter with self-healing property as self-healing hydrogels would be quite helpful to this emerging field with unexpected more biomedical materials. This paper reviews recent works about self-healing hydrogels based on dynamic chemistry and their future biomedical applications. Systems based on multiple-hydrogen bonds, coordination effects, hydrophobic effects, acylhydrazone bonds and imine bonds are specifically discussed. Keywords self-healing; self-adaptive; hydrogel; dynamic chemistry; smart soft matter
1 引言
众所周知, 生物组织受损时, 会有极为复杂而高效的自修复过程发生, 模仿此过程的新型材料即为备受关
注的自愈性材料. 自愈性材料的开发可以提高相关材料使用的安全性, 延长材料的使用寿命等, 在近10年来的研究中受到了越来越多的关注[1~4].
* E-mail: leitao@; weiyen@; Tel.: 010-62792604; Fax: 010-62794694
Received January 28, 2013; published March 5, 2013.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21104039, 21134004) and the National 973 Project (No. 2011CB935700). 项目受国家自然科学基金(Nos. 21104039, 21134004)及国家973项目(No. 2011CB935700)资助. Acta Chim. Sinica 2013, 71, 485—492 © 2013 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences 485